Houston Community College LVN Program


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to know has anyone applied or have any experience applying for the LVN or nursing programs at houston community college? I'm in the process of applying to a few programs and wanted to know if any had info on the school.

Thanks in advance.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Moved to TX Nursing Programs Discussion forum for more discussion.


I graduated from this program last December and I consider it the most difficult of all programs offered at the Coleman campus. Some of the best nurses in this area were "purple caps." Well known in the medical community. If you manage to successfully complete this program, you will not have a problem passing the boards. Everyone from my class, the previous class before mine and the class before them passed at 100% on the first attempt. This program has been revamped since I've attended. An information session is required as part of the application process. Go to hccs.edu, click on "Coleman" then find your program of interest. All updated info should be found there. Good luck!

I just finished prereqs for this program spring 2011 and lets just say most of the people that started class with me did not pass or dropped out. I applied and am waiting to hear something. How did you like the program, Mochachild? I would honestly prefer to be in a harder program in order to be a more competent nurse.


Honestly, I sweated more in this program than I did for my bachelors! And like your experience, we had many to attempt, but very few (and I mean a few) to finish. Lots and lots of info you had to master in a short period of time. The professors are very dedicated to your success and do not play. It was probably the best and most difficult time in my educational experience.


I am coming home in the afternoon checking my mailbox looking for an acceptance letter. Sometimes I go to the mailbox twice a day or I wait for the mailman. He probably thinks I lost my mind and maybe I have. All of us applicants are now playing the waiting game! Good luck with your responses and congrats on your TEAS!!

Ok I have another question? I have a degree already but it's not nursing related. Do I still have to take the TEAS? What is that?

For HCC you do have to take the TEAS test and 2 prereqs (nutrition & AP) to apply. The TEAS is a reading, science, math, and english/grammar test.

@mersonsgrace thanks for the response.


Thanks so much! :D Speak it into existence and do what's required. You will do well! I'm giving you congrats in advance! :yeah:

@mochachild I cant figure out how to PM you on here. I spoke it into existence but now I need help with something. Please help!!!!

Ha ha! I got you, girl! :lol2: Sent you a PM. Go to "My Account" and highlight "Private Message."

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