Hopkinsville CC

U.S.A. Kentucky


Hey! I'm looking into applying soon for the spring 2020 semester and was just curious how the program is? Also if they mostly just take the PAX RN score into consideration and not GPA. What was everyones scores when they applied and how did you study for the PAX?

the 30th is Sunday that's why I was asking ? I would call them but they probably already hate me bc I call so much lol

Specializes in SICU.

Yes call! Disguise your voice lol ???

you try calling! lmao they've probably memorized my number haha

31 minutes ago, Millafurtado said:

the 30th is Sunday that's why I was asking ? I would call them but they probably already hate me bc I call so much lol

The 30th is Saturday, post still runs so we might get them if the send it out early enough.

Specializes in SICU.

Oh... well that works then

Letters might have been sent out early! Friend said people from her NAA100 received their letters!!

Specializes in SICU.

Oh wow! Did they get in?

That’s what she said. They got it with scores of 147 and 133

Specializes in SICU.

Ok I'm so nervous this weekend is going to drag by if I dont get my letter now ???

I know! And mail doesn’t come tomorrow because it’s a holiday ???

Specializes in SICU.

I hope the mail runs friday or Saturday ?????

Ugh ??? I live so close you’d think I would’ve gotten mine

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