Hondros College of Nursing - Input??????

U.S.A. Ohio


I am actively looking into Nursing Schools in the Cincinnati Area. I am starting the application process at Hondros and was wondering if anyone had any feedback about their program, good, bad or indifferent. I know its a relatively new program but they have recently receieved their final approval so Im assuming they have worked out the kinks that were reported in blogs posted early last year.

I would appreciate any feedback you may have.

Thank you!!

Hi Adie!

Well, it's FINALS TIME!!! So, as you can imagine, I've been keeping pretty busy! It sounds like you're right on track for starting school!

I thought I would let you (and everyone else who is about to start) know that I just finished my first clinical, and it was a really good experience. I didn't really enjoy it for the first couple of weeks, but it got a lot better once I started getting the hang of all of the documentation, etc. (Believe me when I tell you that you WILL get writer's cramp the first few times until you learn how to document appropriately!!!) :)

I think you're going to like it! It's amazing how much I have learned in 10 short weeks! Good luck to you, and keep me posted!


Hello Angela! Just curious....What was it that made you not like clinicals at first. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. What types of things are you doing in the first term clincals? And thanks for sharing. I love the info!

Hello catrat!

First term clinicals are all about direct patient care, and documentation. You will do a lot of bedbaths, showers, assisting to and from the restroom, etc. You don't pass any meds the first time around. Other than patient care, you will be heavily concentrating on learning how to accurately complete a head-to-toe assessment and correctly come up with your care plan. (It's a lot more difficult than you think, until you get the hang of it!) I didn't enjoy it at first simply because I felt overwhelmed. I have never worked in any area of healthcare. (I have been a licensed cosmetologist for the last 12 years!) However, once things started making more sense to me, it became a more enjoyable experience!

Don't be nervous. As long as you're committed to studying the way you should, you'll be fine. One word of advice though: Put everything you've got into your grades for at least the first half of the term! That way, when you're feeling a little lazy toward the end of the term (and you will), you won't hurt yourself too badly if your grades slip a bit!!! But, trust me when I tell you it won't be half as bad as you think it will. :)



Catarat - I am starting in July, oh but how I wish I was starting in April!!! :) Im getting really excited!

Hey Angela,

Thanks for the information. I guess since I started the admissions process so early and its winding down, IM getting really nervous. I wish I would just start so I can ease my mind. Where did you do your clinical? I think its pretty cool we start clinicals our first quarter. Man I cant wait!!


I just saw your last post about what the clinicals involve. I have been in transportation for almost six years and have never worked in a medical field setting either. That was one of my biggest reasons for being so nervous. Im glad to hear Im not the only one!!! GOOD LUCK ON FINALS!!!

Hi Adie!

My clinical site was at The Lodge Care Center (Loveland). The staff was really nice to us.

Are you not starting until July by choice? If you were told that classes are full for April, make sure you check back sometime in the near future. You wouldn't believe how many people get everything done except their background check, and then aren't able to start. Also, unfortunately, sometimes financial aid falls through and that also opens up spots. If it is by choice, make sure you wait until closer to July to get your (if you haven't already). You get to choose what date you want it to start on, but it can only be within a certain amount of time from the date you want it for. You don't want to get it now and then have to buy it again because it expires before you graduate!

You'll be pleasantly surprised when you find out that there are lots of people in your class without a medical background! At least half of my class is that way!

Have a good night!


HI Angela,

Yea Im starting by choice in July. My boyfriend is graduating in May with his teaching degree. He is currently student teaching so he is not working. I have to wait until it gets a littel closer for him to start a job so at least one of us will have a job! (we live together). But I really do appreciate you taking the time to help me and give me some insight as to how school and clinicals are going to go. Its make the process a little less nerve racking when you have somone who is already in!

talk to you soon.


Hi Adie!

I survived finals!!! I am officially a 2nd term nursing student!!! :)

I was thinking about one of your previous posts (the one about whether or not there were certain types of math questions on the HESI), and I thought I would give you a little heads-up for your first term. (I don't know why I didn't think about it at the time!) Make sure you keep the medical math fresh in your mind. (Especially all of the conversions!) I don't know if you remember from the other Hondros thread, but you have to score at least a 90% on the math test in order to pass Nur 110. That means you can only miss 2 on the entire test. Before you freak out, keep in mind that if you memorize all of the conversion factors, as well as the formulas, the test will be super easy. (Most people in my class got 100%!)

Also, since you're not starting until July, it probably wouldn't hurt if you started learning some medical terminology. We had a med-term quiz every Thurs., which didn't really affect our grade too much, but it definitely helps you to be able to read your patients chart at clinicals if you know some of the terms! I've also heard that they may change the Nur 110 final to include some of the terms.

Well, feel free to PM me if you have any more questions!


Thanks Angela for the great information! And CONGRATS to you! I am starting in April at the Columbus campus. Do you suggest skimming any of the books before starting? Thanks!

Hello catrat!

You're more than welcome!

I would recommend that you read the first couple of chapters in your Bio book, unless you're already a Bio expert! :) I think you'll just get bogged down and overwhelmed if you start on anything else. (Besides, Bio is the only one that pretty much goes in sequence, so you wouldn't really know where to start anyway, unless the syllabus is already available to you through CAMS.) Other than that, just relax and take it easy until your first day finally rolls around. Trust me, you will have NO LIFE once you get started. All you will do is study, so why kill yourself now? (Today is my first official day of break, and I cleaned all day, because I didn't really know what to do with myself!)

I know you're nervous. All I can say is, it's nothing like you're imagining, and it's nothing like high school. I don't know how the professors are in Columbus, but I can't imagine they'd be that much different from mine. They know their stuff and they're not out to get you. (We've all heard the horror stories about nursing school instructors!!!) You'll be fine!

Have a great weekend!


Thanks Angela!

Anyone nursing school mothers have facebook? I have started a community for mothers in nursing school to share advice and such on how to handle family, school, and/or work. Not to replace allnurses, but just a place for mommies to communicate. Thanks!


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