Home Health vs. Rehab to reach ultimate goal


Hello I am a new associate RN. I have had two job offers. One is a home health and hospice while the other is a post surgery rehabilitation living center. My ultimate goal is to work in a hospital setting. Which job experience would better assist me in my goal?

Thank you

Specializes in Med Surg - Renal.
Hello I am a new associate RN. I have had two job offers. One is a home health and hospice while the other is a post surgery rehabilitation living center. My ultimate goal is to work in a hospital setting. Which job experience would better assist me in my goal?

The rehab center.

Specializes in ICU, ER.

Rehab would be a better experience for you. Also, home health would not be a great place for a new nurse. I did it for a while; you are really on your own making some major decisions, such as whether or not someone needs to go to the ED, etc.

home health always sounds so warm and fuzzy, but it's not the place for a new grad. go for the rehab...and you may find that rehabilitation nursing interests you more than you anticipate.


Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

IMO, home health isn't the best place for a new grad to start off in, unless they have a few years of LVN experience under their belt. Yes, there are new grads that start off in home health and do just fine, so it is possible to be a success story. But the fact of the matter is that in home health, it's just you: no charge nurse to run to for advice or assistance, no MD around the corner who can order a stat med, no coworkers around to give you their opinion on whether a s/s is a sign of decompensation or nothing to worry about. You can call people, but essentially you need to make decisions on your own. If you worked as a LVN first, you have prior experience and a knowledge base to help you out... but a new grad RN may not have that.

I think that rehab would offer you a better chance of getting into a hospital down the road. Plus you will have more support as a new grad that you may get in home health (orientation and support mileages may vary depending on the agency you work for).

Best of luck whatever you decide!

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