Published Jul 5, 2015
2 Posts
How stable is home health nursing? I am a LVN in Texas and I'm planning to study to become a RN. I am currently working full time in a SNF M-F. But since I will study, I am planning to do home health, I plan to visit at least 4 patient's per day but not quite sure on the stability of the assignments.
3,726 Posts
It varies, fluctuates and I can't speak for LVN's as we don't have any on staff but as a case mgr my annual gross has consistently been ~ 104K. PPV with average of 6/day (or 6 points/day). Most start at 5/day after orientation and the first couple of years are a tough learning curve with time mgmt and the charting.
554 Posts
Another option would be private duty. Find an agency, they assign you a patient, and you work as little or as more as you want.
38,333 Posts
Stability of case load depends upon the location, the employer's staffing policies, and the level of business that the employer maintains. It can be feast or famine. If you want stability, you would do well to look into agencies that offer (or also offer) extended care cases.