Published Dec 5, 2005
Al Stephens
17 Posts
I have a simple question for all the experienced Hospice Nurse out here. does your hospice order some sort of emergency pack for the patients home (I would like to know what is in it, but that is up to your Hospice policy or not), also, for those other on-call Hospice nurses, do you carry an EM Pack, or anything with you? My question is being brought up by my Hospice switching to another pharmacy in town for the on call staff, and they will not carry the meds that we can get from our regular pharmacy, but they are too undermanned (with a pending retirement of one pharmacist) to be able to continue being available for us at nights...Any Answers?
238 Posts
We do have emergency medications ordered and sent to the home on admission for such symptoms as nausea/vomiting (injectable) constipation (SUPP) elevated temp (SUPP), severe pain injection medication, fluid retention medication (injectable) and all patient's get liquid morphine and medications for noisy respirations.
CardioTrans, BSN, RN
789 Posts
The hospice that I worked for ordered "Comfort Kits" depending on the status of the patient, and the patient/family wishes. It included Roxanol, Phenergan (both tab and gel), ativan, valium, and lasix. The pharmacy that we used drop shipped the package to the pt home. We never carried any drugs with us, not even on call.
474 Posts
Our e-kit contains Roxanol, compazine suppositories, ativan, levsin, tylenol suppositories
whoops, forgot to mention...our on-call nurses do not carry E-kits with them. Our admissions nurses will carry one out if it looks like it is needed while they get orders from the primary doc.
thanks for the feedback, i wanted to ensure that most of us oncall did not carry anthing with us (I dont and even though there is no comparable "rough areas" to some major cities, it can still be tight in parts of this city). In our em packs we carry compazine, abh suppositories, ativan, and scope patches. we used to carry scope injectables, and atropine drops, but dropped the last two for the patches. I am wanting to get the drops back. Also, we dont put liquid morphine, or roxinal in the packs, but that would be beneficial for many of my needs at night...thanks for the suggestions.
I forgot, ours have ABH gel in them...none of the pharmacies here are able to get scop patches anymore. When their current supply runs out, their being told taht their not available. Has anyone else had this problem yet?
I forgot, ours have ABH gel in them...none of the pharmacies here are able to get scop patches anymore. When their current supply runs out, their being told that they're not available. Has anyone else had this problem yet?
We have had some problems with getting Scop patches. When our pharmacy runs out we are told they are on "back order". We are now getting them again but they will only dispense them two at a time to conserve them. We miss them when we can't get them, they work great!
dont know if it was just a temp problem, but we now have the scope patches again, i would not want to go back to the injectables, but. we take whatever we can get...I passed on to our powers that be that something like roxinal would be a good idea...they are thinking on it...
our other usual emergency pain meds, which at this time is not in the em pack, is morphine sublinguals. 10mg..
88 Posts
Our hospice uses Hospice Pharmacia based out of Philidelphia. They over night meds. Our Comfort Kit has phenergan (tab and supp), Tylenal ( supp), ABHR (supp), Roxinal liquid, Haldol liquid, hyoscyamine tabs, and ativan Tabs. NO injectiable. We go for comfort. There is only a 2-3 day supply. In Indiana it is not legal for anyone to carry anothers narcotic med. In the county I live in there is no 24hr pharmacy. So if I need an emergency med at say 2AM our pt's are out of luck unless we drive to another area. Which takes time. I absolutely love having the kit in the home.
thanks, now that is a full em kit, I talked with my DON and medical coordinator, about all the other em packs out there. We are undergoing a pharmacy change, from one to two, primary during regular hours, secondary for us oncall after hour types. So the em pack is our pirmary means of emergency comfort, but we dont have any pain meds in them. They contail compazine supps, abh sups, 3 ativan, and a scope patch. I have asked that we consicer atropine drops, and that we as soon as possible get ms sublinuguals out to the pt. This is being considered and is very likely. Your exampls of em packs have been helpful. Thank you.