Published Sep 10, 2011
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
I went to dinner with a dear friend of mine tonight. She works at a group home for men with schizophrenia. She told me tonight she wants to go to nursing school. I told her I thought she should, as she has a brutal job she gets paid almost nothing for.
We dropped the subject for awhile, and later she told me she couldn't wait to be a nurse because she was, "So sick of coworker drama, working weekends and holidays, being expected to do overtime, and dealing with poop."
I told her nursing probably wasn't for her, then.
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
Better to figure it out now :)
86toronado, BSN, RN
1 Article; 528 Posts
Better that she face reality now, rather than at the end of two or four years of very hard work!
16 Posts
I think all those things she does not want to deal with were in my job description....
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
So what does she think nursing is like then?
She was thinking doctor's office nursing.
diva rn, BSN, RN
963 Posts
Then she should go to school to become a Medical ASSISTANT....they are NOT nurses..and do not go to nursing school...most programs are certificate programs that last from a few weeks to a year or so...
there are very few doctor's offices now that hire actual nurses to work in offices..mainly because they don't want to pay...but that's another story...tell your friend to look into medical assisting school...she would have to do ALL of the things she said she didn't want to do in nursing school....and of course she would have to do them as a nurse on a daily basis!
Then she should go to school to become a Medical ASSISTANT....they are NOT nurses..and do not go to nursing school...most programs are certificate programs that last from a few weeks to a year or so...there are very few doctor's offices now that hire actual nurses to work in offices..mainly because they don't want to pay...but that's another story...tell your friend to look into medical assisting school...she would have to do ALL of the things she said she didn't want to do in nursing school....and of course she would have to do them as a nurse on a daily basis!
I more or less told her that. There are a few offices around here that use nurses still. A lot of places use MA's for patient care and have one or two nurses to do phone triage.
121 Posts
i think it would be wise for your friend to volunteer at a hospital just so she would be able to understand the role of a nurse. Let her figure out whether she could bypass the 'bad' part of nursing and still enjoy being a nurse.