Hints that you are in


Does anybody know of hints or signs that hints possible admission acceptance?

Specializes in Nada.

The admissions letter?

I don't think really any other contact is made after the interview and those people make an art out of being stone-faced, right?

You'll just have to wait.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!! :)

Specializes in Med-surg.

Ditto...You admission letter will be the only indicator that you are in. The programs are extremely competitive and there are alot of students wanting in. It's a procedure and they have to play by the rules to keep their accredidation...You just have to wait...

but the anxiety and the waiting is is..ugh! :)

Yea the acceptance letter is the only hint :) but it's def worth it when you get it in the mail... i got mine on august 28, 2008 and i start LVN school on Jan 9, 2009. I can't wait!!!!!!

If I were you, I'd have at least a couple of contingency plans going. When I finish my pre-nursing, my first two scenarios did not look 95% chance, so I've got another one which looks better (drive further, but better school branch) and meeting with a BN rep next week for my second alternative. I will probably try to figure out a third highly likely alternative later. When you keep looking, you make 'opportunities' happen, which you wouldn't otherwise. Its not a bad or wasted exercise.

Only planning on one possible way will lead to heart break and wasted time. Of course you can always go introduce yourself to everyone in the building until you find a possible leak. I wouldn't count on it, but I do it anyway (Admin and Secretaries are very informally powerful people and often persuasive -> My first target(ed future friends for life)!!). Nursing schools are tough though. They are very mechanical in requirements, and ultimately that is good for you if you are a good student.

In between studying hard (enough for a reliable A, or hope to anyway), I keep planning on the future. It changes every day, and you need to be agile as well. If you got time to worry, you got time to plan :typing

that would b cool. i know one girl who said she daily checked her transcrips online and one day it changed from saying pre-nursing student to nursing student. she took that as a sign that she was accepted without yet receiving an acceptance letter

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