Published Jan 13, 2008
michaRN, RN
420 Posts
hi anyone heard about hillcrest medical center in tulsa oklahoma and aquent healthcare recruitment slutions.?I asked because I will have an interview with aquent healthcare and hillcrest medical center. I still dont have my nclex yet.Do you think i would for this interview with them?thanks and hoping a good advice from everyone..
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the International forum as more appropriate
Be aware that currently every one is affected by retrogression and looking at over 5 years at the moment before getting to the US and work, even then due to high demand is no longer a guarantee.
Is there anything particular you are looking for?
309 Posts
I have signed up with Aquent - I think what they do for you depends on the allowance the hospital sponsoring you provide. The sort of things they do is a meet and greet, help with setting up a bank account, finding accomodation etc
Although as Silverdragon says it is looking a bit gloomy at the moment but I'm determind to be optomistic and hoping for a some dramatic change soon??!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
If you are not already done with the petitions and have approval on them and just waiting for an interview, things are not looking good for you at all to get a visa at this time.
Employers can make all of the promises that they want, but they do not issue visas. Only the US government does that.