High school student needs advice!!


Hi, I'm new here and I hope people can help me out!

I am a junior in high school and I know I definitely want to be a nurse but I am really confused about how all of this works.

For example- Would I apply for the nursing school part of a college or just the regular school? And what is the difference between a BSN, RN, associates degree and all the other types? Is it worth it to go to an prestigious, yet unholy-hell expensive, school like Johns Hopkins U for a nursing degree?

I can't even begin to start with the questions.

Can someone give me a full run down on anything that I should know about nursing? All the little intricacies that only real nurses would know?


Ask around -- Find the nursing school in your area that fits your needs. I took my second choice, and I'm very happy with it. I am at a BSN school, where I applied for general admissions in the University, took pre-requisite classes to the nursing program, took my general education courses, then applied to the school of nursing and got accepted. A BSN is a 4 year bachelors degree, a ADN is an associates degree 2 year degree. Although my degree is supposedly 4 years, it's taking me 6 1/2 to finish it! It's good that you've decided what you want to do already. See if you can find a program in your area that allows you to shadow an RN for a day, see what working life is like-- and that could better help you make a decision. A bachelors degree allows you to pursue a higher education, if you want a masters degree or teaching, or PhD. Also, pay particular attention to the entire process that your school uses to do admissions for nursing school, is it by GPA? is it by test scores? do they choose randomly? Also, weigh the costs (how much it costs to go to school compared to how much you will expect to make upon graduation.) Good luck! :)

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.


Your school might have a counselor that can guide you with these choices. You could also check out the local college websites and contact their recruiters. FWIW if you are willing/able to do the 4 year route for your bachelors now that is what I would do however if not the 2 year associates degree is a great start and from there getting into a bachelors degree program shouldn't be too hard. I also looked at Hopkins because at least in my situation it was relatively easy to get into however like you said without financial aid there was no way I'm spending that Motherload on the same degree as I can get at UM for example. From what I've seen in out in practice its pretty rare that we even know who went where. Good luck to you, Jules

Specializes in Oncology, Research.

Schools like Hopkins are great for graduate education and second degrees. If you have the cash to burn you would be hard pressed to find a better nursing school. On the other hand, if you aren't likely to qualify for need based or merit scholarships, your better deal is going to be your state's flagship school. I don't know what state you are in. but many are top notch institutions. If you have the chance go for the BSN. You will no doubt come across some naysayers on here but the degree leaves you with more options in the long run. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

I also have another question:

can I get into johns hopkins school of nursing, or any other program like that, right out of high school or do I need other credits first?

Four year programs and you enter just out of high school, the two year programs require that you complete certain pre-requisites first that are included in with the four year program.

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