Published Jul 3, 2010
2 Posts
Hi, recently graduated from high school. I will begin pre-nursing in the fall. The problem is that I have no clue about how to prepare myself for it. What can i do during my summer vacation in order to be ready for pre-nursing.
Thank you soooooooo much!!!:):):):):):)
JROregon, ASN, BSN, RN
710 Posts
Have you taken a biology class recently? - enough to understand how cells work? Have you had any background in chemistry - enough to understand some of the basic chemicals of life, pH, types of bonds? Get to know some of the most basic bones and muscles. You will need to know a lot more once in A&P classes but it's nice to have a map in your head of the general areas of the body.
I have recently taken a biology and a chemistry class, but i will go back over as much as i can to see what i do and dont know. However, i have no knowledge about bones ... Thanks for letting me know this !!! I am about to get on it right now!!! I really appreciate the response!!:):):)
952 Posts
Honestly, just relax. If you want, get some A&P flashcards and review them...but don't stress too much.
I'm only 1 year removed from high school, and finished my year of pre-nursing in May (though I am currently taking A&P II since I withdrew from A&P I in the fall and just retook it last semester).
41 Posts
Like singdance said, take a break, recharge your batteries and have a fun summer, you will have plenty of time to get up to speed as the courses ramp up.
25 Posts
so ur 18? same with me! lol
but i graduated in another country in asia at 16 coz we don't have any middleschool.
then we migrated here in U.S.
and for 2 years i have been trying to get into the nursing program, i had taken all the pre-requisites i'm all set.
i had taken two different exams from different nursing schools..7 times!
now, i finally got accepted!
what i could tell u is that, the hardest thing to do is to "get in" to the program.
it's very competitive.
so i would say, during ur summer break, know what type of entrance exam u are required to take in the school ur applying for. then review it everyday until ur test date.
that's all u have to worry about.
also, the pre-requisites that are required prior to nursing should be taken as well.
if u didn't make it on the first try, keep on trying and reviewing...
and don't just apply for one school, apply to alooot.