Hi! New Here any career changers out there with some advice?


HI All:

This is my first post! I am looking to get my pre-reqs and begin an acclerated BSN program in the fall of 2006 anyone else slogging through pre-reqs and admissions and online classes and trying to get started like me?

I could use some sound advice on on-line classes and BSN-MN courses etc

Thanks so very much

Nellie05 in NYC

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
hi all:

this is my first post! i am looking to get my pre-reqs and begin an acclerated bsn program in the fall of 2006 anyone else slogging through pre-reqs and admissions and online classes and trying to get started like me?

i could use some sound advice on on-line classes and bsn-mn courses etc

thanks so very much

nellie05 in nyc

biganimatedhello.gif and welcome to allnurses.com

wonderful that you joined the family. enjoy the forums.

Specializes in med-surg.


You are not alone! I have my bachelor's in criminal justice. I am hoping to get into a direct entry MSN program for Jan '07. Will be taking A&P1 this coming Jan. Then A&P2, Microbiology and Nutrition over the summer and fall. It's been six years since I've studied anything. Hoping I'm making the right choice as far as the program and that an acceletared program will give me the clinical experience I need to be a great nurse. My mom is an RN - she went to a three year nursing school (back when they were still around). I can't imagine fitting everything she did in three years (including summers) into one! But I really want this to happen. I eventually want to get training to be a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner). I work with SA victim/survivors now at a crisis center and part of my position is to accompany them to the hospital. The nurses who care for them do such a wonderful job and have really inspired me....

Good luck with all your pre-reqs. Send me a shout anytime you are feeling frustrated!


Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

first of all, welcome to the forum!

i am also looking to start an Accelerated BSN program this coming summer (may '06). since i could only take one course a semester due to finances and working as much as i did... and i took a couple of semesters off (one because i was really broke, and the other to get married), i've been doing my prerequisites since fall 2003 semester. that's included:

  • developmental psych
  • microbiology
  • a & p i
  • a & p ii (finishing up right now)
  • statistics
  • intro to chemistry (next semester)
  • intro to sociology (also next semester)

best of luck to you! sometimes it has felt like i would never finish... but here i am, applying to a few different schools, and since both programs i'm applying to are only about 4 semesters long, that means that as long as i start this may, i will be graduated by the end of summer 2007. woo-hoo!

for me, any sacrifice of money or time or sanity is worth never having to stomach another dead-end desk job, plus the thrill of having a career that i am proud of and love, no matter how difficult it is or what the road was to get it. so keep going! pm me anytime if you have a question or just want to chat.

Hi Annabelle:

I hope I'm posting here correctly ? I hit reply? here goes

thanks for posting back to me it's great to hear from someone who is doing this also !Sounds like you are really in your way! Are you taking any online -distance courses or are you getting your pre-reqs in the classroom?

I'm trying to do some of these courses in-line and I'm having trouble finding the courses I need

I need


Anatomy & Physio I&II




I have to take them all by Fall 2006 8 months YIKES so I have to hustle

looks like we are on the same trajectory as I plan my graduation in summer 2007 as well WOWie is right-keep me posted on your progress!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
hi all:

this is my first post! i am looking to get my pre-reqs and begin an acclerated bsn program in the fall of 2006 anyone else slogging through pre-reqs and admissions and online classes and trying to get started like me?

i could use some sound advice on on-line classes and bsn-mn courses etc

thanks so very much

nellie05 in nyc

:) welcome to the site. enjoy your stay and best wishes to you. :balloons:

My mom is/was a nurse also now retired and she loved her work. I'm career changing and I am also worried about hitting the books after a long hiatus. Where are you taking the A&P I'm in NYC and looking for a place to do my pre-reqs. We have lots of schools here of course but I want to do some of this on-line if I can.

So much to do !!!!

good luck and keep me posted sounds like we are in similar situations




You are not alone! I have my bachelor's in criminal justice. I am hoping to get into a direct entry MSN program for Jan '07. Will be taking A&P1 this coming Jan. Then A&P2, Microbiology and Nutrition over the summer and fall. It's been six years since I've studied anything. Hoping I'm making the right choice as far as the program and that an acceletared program will give me the clinical experience I need to be a great nurse. My mom is an RN - she went to a three year nursing school (back when they were still around). I can't imagine fitting everything she did in three years (including summers) into one! But I really want this to happen. I eventually want to get training to be a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner). I work with SA victim/survivors now at a crisis center and part of my position is to accompany them to the hospital. The nurses who care for them do such a wonderful job and have really inspired me....

Good luck with all your pre-reqs. Send me a shout anytime you are feeling frustrated!


I'm wondering how that works!

Thanks for any advice !

Great forum!


Specializes in med-surg.
Where are you taking the A&P I'm in NYC and looking for a place to do my pre-reqs. We have lots of schools here of course but I want to do some of this on-line if I can.

I'll be taking my pre-reqs at the local community tech college. I don't trust myself enough to sign up for online courses - I would probably procrastinate without actually going someplace away from home to study and attend class! I live in New Hampshire. There aren't a lot of schools up here so I'm pretty limited in where I go. For nursing, there is only one accelerated program for people who have bachelor's in other fields. It will be a 1.5 hour commute for me once I get into the program.

Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

nellie ~

well, you go, girl! that's a heavy load to finish in 8 months... but determination and a good supply of caffeine mean everything! :rotfl:

all of my classes are in the classroom, though i *just* signed up for my very first online course for the spring, intro to sociology. i just didn't want to sit through class for that one, i guess.

i am just now applying to nursing schools, two Accelerated BSN programs here in cent. fl. i'm praying i get in to one of them! if not, i'll wait out the 1-yr wait and just do my rn here at the comm. college.

do you have any inclinations as to where you'd like to nurse once you're done with school? i have my eye on icu, but i might have to work my way up the ladder on that one if i can't find a local icu that takes new grads.

good luck!

yes you have a point on the procrastination but with the number of classes I have to tkae to start in the fall I need and edge if I can find it.

I love New Hampshire it's beautiful there. 1.5 commute yikes thats gonna be a drag -you'll need some great books on tape to get to to and fro!

more later


lets hear it for caffeine !!

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