Hesi exit exams


Does anyone think this should be illegal? This was not in our student handbook nor did it state the 900 and above we must recieve in order to graduate. The school also states we fail the last course we took regardless of the actual grade we earned. THIS STAYS ON OUR TRANSCRIPT THAT WE FAILED A NRSG CLASS! WHEN THIS IS NOT THE CASE. They also are charging us a semesters worth of tuition for taking the hesi exam after unsuccessful tries of not passing with a 900 or above. This is not a separate class. Where is this money going? If we don't have to actually repeat the course, yet have to pay. I was done with school in October, but not able to sit for boards yet nor recieve my BSN in which I successfully completed all requirements for each course clinically and classroom.How can this be stopped? This is for the NCLEX to decide not a study guide for the NCLEX. Why should this determine my future of whether I become a prudent, successful, caring nurse that I know I would be?

It doesn't seem right to take it without warning - we have to take it to graduate, and score >850 or repeat our last semester, but we knew that from the day we started school. We take at least one subject HESI each semester, and they're figured into our grades - if you can't pass that style of test, you're unlikely to make it to the last semester. I believe our instructor told us that 5 people out of the last class didn't pass on the first try, but we get 3. We know about it in advance, so we're prepared I guess. The only reason for forcing students to take it as a prereq for graduation is that it has been shown to be predictive of NCLEX passage (although I haven't personally read the research on it), and they know how important it is to keep that first time NCLEX passage score high.

Does anyone think this should be illegal? I graduated in march 2008. The school had already sent my name to the broard of nursing. I have registered to take my test, but I haven't received the (ATT) letter yet. On my tuition I paid $400 for Nclex Registration when I called the school to pay for my registration they told me that it was for the exit test. Also the school told me that I need to come back to take the exit test ortherwise I will not be able to sit for my Nclex exam. Can anyone tell me how much is the exit test cost? Does anyone think that the school can stop me to take my test if I don't take the exit test? Please help me .There is no where in the school handbook states that we need to pass exit another to graduated and sit for the nclex. thanks

Specializes in Hem/Onc/BMT.

I just took the Hesi and let me tell you it sucked since they just started this the score isn't really high only 750 but still it was a waste of time ugh the worst ever! plus we never even practiced not once on the computer and the book sucked. And you guys know the deal no pass no walking down that isle :madface:

Hello, everyone.

Just read all of the your posts. I agree HESI is being utilized inappropriately by the nurisng programs. If you can research the creator of the HESI exam, Sue Morrison, I think. She stated that HESI was created for students and faculties to determine their areas of weakness. She also created the exam to teach the student how to decrease their anxities when taking a computer style examination. She states this exam is a probability exam, a diagnostic tool. It was not meant to punish students.

Well, we all know it does punish students. We also know that we are not learning how to decrease our anxiety when it comes to taking a computer test, but increasing it. The nursing programs are not holding themeselves accountable, only their students.

Honestly, any nursing programs out there who are utilizing HESI and prohibiting students from taking their NCLEX when unsuccessful with HESI proves one thing... They (instructors, deans, chancellors, etc.) are not confident enough in their curriculum. It becomes evident that their teaching methodology is in question. Therefore, they need to use HESI as an escapegoat for their own insufficiencies. Instead of investigating their areas of weakness, its a much easier to blame it on their students.

I strongly feel as students we need to come together and let our voices be heard. We cannot be allowed to be used as stepping stones.

One answer...

Nursing programs must not only advertise their NCLEX passing rate but also their attrition rate. This will signify the true essense of nursing program.

I am graduating in several weeks. It wasn't easy.

We need to come together and speak out about this matter.

For those who have not yet pass HESI, study hard. Don't allow this issue to take over your studies.

For those who have passed HESI...and NCLEX... Lets come together and HELP others.

Maybe through this website we can form some sort of an advocacy group? Maybe some of you know your state rep., governor, etc. and make them aware of what is going on.

Nursing programs have to stop blaming their students, they must also be held accountable.

HESI is a probability exam, it does not base you on your competence as a nurse, like NCLEX does. Two different exams!

Lets network on this.

What do you say?????????

Isn't that a screwed statistic, pretty much having the students take another version of the NCLEX and only let whoever "passes" sit again?

that's like me having a Marathon Running School. I guarantee that YOU can run 26 miles after you graduate!!!! However, to graduate, you have to run 40 miles. Hahahahahha! Unethical? Maybe.

I took the HESI many times in my program for several classes before taking the final one. I don't think the book is helpful. I did a good job acing the tests but i didn't use their book.

I also think it's unfair not to have student's sit for the nclex if they don't get a certain grade on the HESI. There are students who go to schools that don't use the HESI and they take nclex and pass so why should someone else be put at an unfair disadvatage?

And, in terms of schools posting their attrition rate, i couldn't agree any more. I think it's very deceiving when they post only their pass rate, entice people to enroll in the program and then make life in nursing school crazy for them.

I think my school uses the HESI as a way to make sure they keep their 100% pass rate going. That's sad because a little over half of the people didn't pass the final HESI during the first attempt. I pretty much haven't spoken to anyone since i took mine but i heard those who took it the second time had people who didn't pass again. Now, they have to pay about $1500 plus fees to remediate. That's pretty annoying. At least a third try or private remediation is better.

this is crazy what is happening!

Hello, everyone.

Just read all of the your posts. I agree HESI is being utilized inappropriately by the nurisng programs. If you can research the creator of the HESI exam, Sue Morrison, I think. She stated that HESI was created for students and faculties to determine their areas of weakness. She also created the exam to teach the student how to decrease their anxities when taking a computer style examination. She states this exam is a probability exam, a diagnostic tool. It was not meant to punish students.

Well, we all know it does punish students. We also know that we are not learning how to decrease our anxiety when it comes to taking a computer test, but increasing it. The nursing programs are not holding themeselves accountable, only their students.

Honestly, any nursing programs out there who are utilizing HESI and prohibiting students from taking their NCLEX when unsuccessful with HESI proves one thing... They (instructors, deans, chancellors, etc.) are not confident enough in their curriculum. It becomes evident that their teaching methodology is in question. Therefore, they need to use HESI as an escapegoat for their own insufficiencies. Instead of investigating their areas of weakness, its a much easier to blame it on their students.

I strongly feel as students we need to come together and let our voices be heard. We cannot be allowed to be used as stepping stones.

One answer...

Nursing programs must not only advertise their NCLEX passing rate but also their attrition rate. This will signify the true essense of nursing program.

I am graduating in several weeks. It wasn't easy.

We need to come together and speak out about this matter.

For those who have not yet pass HESI, study hard. Don't allow this issue to take over your studies.

For those who have passed HESI...and NCLEX... Lets come together and HELP others.

Maybe through this website we can form some sort of an advocacy group? Maybe some of you know your state rep., governor, etc. and make them aware of what is going on.

Nursing programs have to stop blaming their students, they must also be held accountable.

HESI is a probability exam, it does not base you on your competence as a nurse, like NCLEX does. Two different exams!

Lets network on this.

What do you say?????????

Hello Everyone,

The nursing students at my school are currently going through a whole lot of injustice. Our program decided to let us know in February, the last semester of nursing school to tell us that we need to pass the HESI and receive a score of 900. We are only allowed to take it two times. If we do not pass the HESI, we fail our med surg 3 course.We took the Hesi and only 7/41 students passed. They have told the people that did not pass the HESI that they have to come back for another semester to take the same med surg class again, which we all passed . We are all torn . They will not even compromise with giving us a degree of some other sort, even if it is not a BSN because we do not all have money to even come back another semester. We have invested in long years of studying and now they are telling us we will not be graduating because of one test, that is supposed to be just a helping tool to us, so we can prepare on our weaknesses for NCLEX. The school is only doing this just to save themselves for accredidation and also they will just be making more money out of us if we return to repeat the med surg course. We are looking into taking legal actions and need support to do so. We would like to hire a lawyer and fight for this. Does anyone know any lawyer that has ever done a case like this or someone I can contact to go forth with this? Please help, it will be appreciated.

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