
Hi guys!,

Have anyone taken the HESI A2 exam prior to taking nursing courses? If so, could you please tell me what is on the test such as the format, what is the best way to prepare for the test. Are there any websites that provide sample test questions to practice? Thanks.

I'm not sure about the different states, but the one I'm in (Illinois) is starting to mandate HESI pre-GRADUATION. For example, when I finished all of my nursing courses(from a BSN program), & I mean EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THEM, PLUS CLINICALS, we had to take the HESI & score at least a 900 on it, some associates programs from the community colleges only required a score of 800. I'm not sure why you are taking the HESI pre-nursing school? because HESI for us is a mirror-image of NCLEX & it supposedly prepares you, because it is a cumulative exam of everything you could have possibly learned throughout nursing school. Anyways, if it's the actual HESI your school's giving to you(I'm not sure why), they have their own book out called, HESI NCLEX-RN REVIEW (ISBN #1416040781) with CD-ROM included.

Good Luck!:lol2:

Rita, RN, BSN

Specializes in Surgical/MedSurg/Oncology/Hospice.
Hi guys!,

Have anyone taken the HESI A2 exam prior to taking nursing courses? If so, could you please tell me what is on the test such as the format, what is the best way to prepare for the test. Are there any websites that provide sample test questions to practice? Thanks.

The pre-nursing entrance HESI I took consisted of Vocabulary, General Knowledge, Grammer, Reading Comprehension, and Math. The test also includes sections on A&P, Biology, and Chemistry but my school did not require those sections. The test is taken on the computer and each question must be answered before going on to the next question. The program has a calculator built into it (we weren't allowed to bring in ANY devices). The majority of questions are multiple choice, and a few of the math questions were fill-in-the-blank.

I bought the HESI study guide, but it was a waste of $35 considering it was so thin and only had 10 question quizzes at the end of each section. If you go to www.testprepreview.com, click on "Nursing Exam Practice" in the list on the left, and a whole bunch of quizzes in the above mentioned areas will be on the next screen. I highly advise you to brush up on your household measures and math ratios, I had plenty of those questions.

Honestly, try not to stress about the test...it's really not bad! I managed to score a 96% and that with my 3.85 GPA has me starting nursing school this coming August. Good luck to you!

Specializes in ER/Ortho.

I am taking it in late Aug for the first time, and just ordered the study manual from the company that writes the test. I can tell you what the study manual shows will be on the test.

Math seems very basic. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. There is also ratios, and precents.

Grammer includes the 8 parts of speech (Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun, Interjection, preposition, Conjunction), and how they are used. Proper grammer use, use of punctuation, commas etc.

There is a whole list of vocabulary words, and 90% seem very simple.

Biology basics include the properties of water, molecules, cells, metabolism, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, cellular reproduction, genetics, and DNA.

Chemistry includes matter, chemical equations/reactions, periodic table, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, chemical bonding, molar relationships, stoichiometry, reation rates, equilibrium, oxidation and reduction, and Acids/Bases.

A&P includes general terminology, histology, mitosis, meiosis, membranes, glands, cartilage, skin, skeletal system, muscular system, Nervous system, Endocrine system, Circullatory system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, urinary system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, and a large list of vocabulary related to A&P.

(The books breaks it down even more in regard to what you need to know about each system, but it would take pages to write it here)

Also some people on here have said their school doesn't require the A&P section of the test, but mine does. I would ask before you take the time to study so you don't spend time where you don't need to.

You can order the book for $25 + tax from www.hesitest.com. Make sure you get the hesi A2 entrance test book.

Good luck hopefully we will both do really well.

Has anyone taken the HESI A2 recently?

I called the school I am applying to for the score that is acceptable and would you believe they don't have one! This is their first year administering the HESI as an entrance exam, and they can't even tell me what portions are required for the exam! Has anyone else experienced this, or am I in this boat alone?

The school I'm applying will not give test score until all testing is completed, which won't be until November.

The school I'm applying will not give test score until all testing is completed, which won't be until November.

are you just as :angryfire as I am?! I am a nervous wreck!!:trout:

are you just as :angryfire as I am?! I am a nervous wreck!!:trout:

Yes I just wish I had more insight on what will be on the exam. I've been reviewing the study guide and the dummy books for biology and chemistry but I haven't talked to anyone who has taken the test. Good Luck and let me know how you do;).


Yes I just wish I had more insight on what will be on the exam. I've been reviewing the study guide and the dummy books for biology and chemistry but I haven't talked to anyone who has taken the test. Good Luck and let me know how you do;).


You hit the nail right on the head!!I have been studying the study guide as well, and have come across several threads in which they agreed that the HESI is easier than the NLN. But, what is easy to one person, is not always easy to everyone. Good luck to you also, and I will let you know!!

You hit the nail right on the head!!I have been studyng the study guide as well, and have come across several threads in which they agreed that the HESI is easier than the NLN. But, what is easy to one person, is not always easy to everyone. Good luck to you also, and I will let you know!!


I take it Monday and I'll let you know how it goes:uhoh21:.

Specializes in OR-ortho, neuro, trauma.

how did everyone do on the hesi? i take it next month and i'm scared! i bought the review book and have been advised by friends who took it just to take ur time and not rush. did anyone that bought the review book find it helpful?

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