HESI A2 for the entrance exam study guide, Gateway

Nursing Students HESI


hi everyone,

i need to take the hesi a2 for the entrance exam next month at gateway college.... i am not able to go to the book store to purchase it..... what is the name of the study guide? can i buy the book on amazon.com?

is there more then just one hesi a2 for the entrance exam to study for? :idea:

please can someone reply and let me know.....advise...... i want to purchase the right book to study :nurse:

(i purchased hesi compreshive review for the nclex-rn examination 2nd edition.... its has more of the nursing dx, medical-surgical nursing, pharmacology, fundamentals and not about math, voc, grammer, its more about rn level already. i think i got the wrong book. i cant retun it on amazon. i'll save it for the future once i'm in the program.)

please let me know asap. thank you so much!

Oh yeah, there were also words where you were asked their definition and they were words i have never heard of before ( but will in my future as a nurse) like

The word "patent" is the opposite of:





I thought it was a typo and they wanted the opposite of patient...but i encountered another question saying something like "the nurse checked the patients tubing to make sure his tubing was patent. " (or something like that)

I still dont know if it means open or calm, but heck, at least i learned a new word!:clown:

I took al the english calsses they required me to take, also the critical reading classes and I finnished all of them with an "A." I took all the classes they have available. But I am fricked out.

So, what words do you remember from the vocab section?

patent is one of the words in the study guyde and means open.

did you have any of this words: invasive, latent, ingest,hygieneinflamed, incidence, occurance,gaping,vital flushed conpensatory, simptom, contigent,excerbate,exogenous, endogenous, biliteral,defecate,labile, omnious,overt,supplimentlethargicimpaired?

Hou much time did it take you to finish the exam?

labile, exploratory surgery, those two stand out. dont remember the rest though, they were just regular words to me. You can always re-take the test if you fail. It will show you what you need to brush up on.

So, if you need to label (for a second language student)the test on a scale from 1 to 10 where would be each section (grammar, vocab, reading comprehention and math?).

I would like to know if in the grammar section, were a lot of exercises with the position of comma?

What chances you think I have to pass this test, considering that English is my second language?

Is Gateway Comunity College in Arizona?

yes the school is in arizona. and the test had noting to do with fixing sentences that looked funny, such as those with a misplaced comma. There was one instance with the placement of an apostrophe... "...lay the book on ___side" its, it's, its'

Other than that, it was based on knowing not only the definition of certain words, but also based on its context what the word meant.

There were also paragraphs with a question like "what did the author mean when he said ___" or "What is the author's opinion on this subject?"

Its hard to gauge an opinion on the difficulty because English is a difficult language of which i grew up on. I believe though, that if your English is not good enough to pass the test, then you need to brush up on your English. Become a nanny for a few months or something, start watching Grey's Anatomy lol. This test will determine how well you will do in nursing school, and as a nurse. You need to always understand what the doctors and other colleagues are saying, and what they mean when they use slang or unfamiliar terms.

Specializes in none.

Hey Hurrlybaby,

English is second language for me too:smokin: I didnt pass NET test at first time (comprehensive reading was though), but I waited out for HESI - guess what? Reading was such a breeze, and its got worse... not to scare you, but I was not ready for Vocabulary part at all:mad: I wish I was studying this part...

Anyhow, I did pass this exam. I would recommend you to check out Vocabulary part of study guide, maybe some grammar or in any case you need to read study guide before you go. Yes, you can take it and fail, but why? You will have to wait for 60 days to take another time.

Good luck to you!!! Study hard and you will do great:yeah:

Hey TheRussian,

Does any of the words from the vocabulary section from the study guide were in the exam?

and give me some words if you remember and some grammar exercises similar to the ones in the exam if you can recall anything.

How was the reading section easy to understand or you had some trouble with it.

How much time did it take you to finish the exam?

Please help me, I am so scared and I do not know if I am sufficient prepared.:crying2::crying2::crying2::crying2:

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