Published Jul 22, 2018
35 Posts
Helping out a nurse pass her meds cause she was busy. Had to pass a short acting and long acting insulin, subq in the arm. No blood that I recall, I mean it was Subq. Feel horrible that while capping both needles I managed to prick my pinky. Never had a needle stick before and I noticed a small drop of bleeding from my pinky. Washed it out with soap and water. I did all the researching even looked at previous forums on the site. I know its low but cant shake the feeling. Yes patient is hep C + :(.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
If you looked at other posts on the site, you probably saw that they usually get closed. We're not able to offer each other medical advice, so just follow your employer's procedures and follow up with your health care provider.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Also - never ever EVER recap another needle.
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,211 Posts
I would like to submit 1000 "likes" to this :)
Heyy not really looking for medical advice, I'm already aware of protocols for procedures where I am at. Sorry I typed this so quickly, I did not recap the needles I meant using the safety device in place I was almost 100 % I covered both needles but somehow one was not and managed to lightly poke my pinky. Honestly didn't even consider it a needle stick since I barely felt it but then noticed a little tiny spot of blood. I guess I was just looking for similar situations from other people. I mean the incidence is so low but still scary. We don't even have that many hep c + patients like what are the odds -_-