Published Jul 5, 2011
49 Posts
I had a interview for LVN home health wound care for a major hospital in southern California.
I was asked at interview what is the lowest salary I'd except, I stated $24 per hour and we do get gas mileage .55/mile. I don't sign my contract with HR until next week. I feel I under rated the hour of pay. would you negotiate before signing? I think $28-$30 is not unreasonable. or should I asks for a sign on bonus?
The company just started utilizing LVN's and they hired myself and only one other LVN I was hired to drive to north county and the other LVN south county thing is the north county is well lets just say not as lovely as south county and would require more distant driving unlike south county also they stated oh you will cover one weekend a month which was not included in the job posting description well we know how that goes myself and the other LVN will probably be covering more than the one weekend I have 21 years experience I've been around the block won the race and collected my trophy Please advise.
15 Posts
Keep in mind that all levels of nurses have been in great demand and continue to be increasingly needed by our society.
I'm Really nervous now about talking my way out of a job the Hospital job e-mailed me this letter
How can I negotiate my wage now:confused:
I am pleased to send you a confirmation of our offer of employment for the position of License Vocational Nurse
Your initial compensation will be at the rate of $25.00 per hour. You may also be eligible to participate in the company's health, dental, retirement, life and disability plans, subject to the terms and conditions contained in the applicable plan documents and insurance policies. If you have questions about your benefits package, I will be happy to discuss them with you or arrange for you to speak with one of our Benefits Specialist at As noted in the application form, employment with the company is at the mutual consent of each employee and the company. Accordingly, while the company has every hope that the employment relationship will be mutually beneficial and rewarding, employees and the company retain the right to terminate the employment relationship at will, at any time, with our without cause. Please note that no individual has the authority to make any contrary agreement or representation. Accordingly, this constitutes a final and fully binding integrated agreement
Please note that this offer and subsequent employment at is contingent on positive references and successful completion of our pre-employment screening process (background check, health and drug screenings).
We would like to be in a position to confirm your acceptance and welcome you to Your first day of employment is will be attending orientation on
You will receive an email from with instructions on completing your on-line on-boarding forms. If you have any questions, please contact a
Welcome to
HR Representative
This will acknowledge my acceptance of this offer of employment.
By: __________________
Date: ________________
I had a interview for LVN home health wound care for a major hospital in southern California.I was asked at interview what is the lowest salary I'd except, I stated $25 per hour and we do get gas mileage .55/mile. I just received my offer letter I feel I under rated the hour of pay. would you negotiate before signing? I think $28-$30 is not unreasonable. or should I asks for a sign on bonus?The company just started utilizing LVN's and they hired myself and only one other LVN I was hired to drive to north county and the other LVN south county thing is the north county is well lets just say not as lovely as south county and would require more distant driving unlike south county also they stated oh you will cover one weekend a month which was not included in the job posting description well we know how that goes myself and the other LVN will probably be covering more than the one weekend I have 21 years experience.
I was asked at interview what is the lowest salary I'd except, I stated $25 per hour and we do get gas mileage .55/mile. I just received my offer letter I feel I under rated the hour of pay. would you negotiate before signing? I think $28-$30 is not unreasonable. or should I asks for a sign on bonus?
The company just started utilizing LVN's and they hired myself and only one other LVN I was hired to drive to north county and the other LVN south county thing is the north county is well lets just say not as lovely as south county and would require more distant driving unlike south county also they stated oh you will cover one weekend a month which was not included in the job posting description well we know how that goes myself and the other LVN will probably be covering more than the one weekend I have 21 years experience.
38,333 Posts
It seems your opportunity to negotiate has come and gone. But if you want to try I wouldn't waste any time getting back to them.
1,191 Posts
Don't let NurseNatasha fool you, there is no nursing shortage. If you were offered a job in home health and you need a job, then take it. If you were not willing to work for $24/hr, then you should've named a higher figure. How would you feel if they offered $30/hr and then changed their minds to a lower figure afterwards?
Consider also that they are paying the maximum for gas mileage. Not many companies do that. I'd go for it.
If it's your only option right now, it's a good way to get a foot in the door and work your way into a better salary later. Also, those have have a job seem to be in more demand than those that don't. You may simply use it or look at it as a stepping stone. If you do the best job you can, and do it well, you never know who you will meet or where it may lead you. Food for thought.
It's already starting Just as I'd figured as one of the only LVN's got a call asking me to work mon-thur take fri off then work the weekend I really think I should asks for a higher salary if their gonna use me like this
You can try to use the strategy that lets them think you have other offers and tell them that You really want this opportunity, the the other one is offering $$ higher, are they willing to match it. When you're the new kid on the block, you will not have the luxury of selecting your schedule most of the time.
932 Posts
I don't really understand everything in your post or in the other post you started on this topic either. But. It seems that you are upset about your salary, the requirements of the job, and that they are taking advantage of you by expecting you to work certain hours?
I think in the other thread you said you have a family member on hospice and you want to have time to be with them? I'm sorry that you are going through that.
IMHO, $25 an hour for a home health LVN is a pretty decent salary for someone just starting in an agency. They also offer you a chance to get benefits which is pretty rare and for me would be a fantastic perk, and I get the impression that you will be considered a full-time employee? So you will have a guaranteed schedule?
The thing about agency is that it can sometimes pay more per hour, but does not offer benefits and most importantly, does not guarantee that you will have work. You may get 40 hours one week, then 4 hours the next two weeks, then nothing for a month. That's why some agencies pay more.
I don't think you can negotiate salary here, but I do think you may be able to negotiate your schedule. If you don't want to be full-time, or you want more flexibility, you might ask them about being PRN. You will most likely get more money per hour, but you will not have a guaranteed schedule.
But you sound a little stressed. This is a job, not a lifetime commitment, I say give it a shot, see if you like it, and if not, move on. In the meantime, at least you'll be getting a paycheck. And some interesting experience.
9 Posts
The lowest salary question during the interview is a trick question in my opinion... they're trying to figure out the least amount they can pay you... try and avoid answering it at all costs. you can say something like "i'll consider all reasonable offers" or "this discussion shouldn't be about the least i'd accept, but rather what i'm worth"...
if you do however absolutely have to give an answer, just aim HIGH!!! take what you think you're worth and add another 10% - 20%... you kind of have to be ruthless when negotiating while trying not to ruin your chances.
good luck with everything, as i'm sure you'll move on to bigger and better soon enough,