Published Aug 10, 2005
513 Posts
Help!! I need to answer this question before tomorrow morning and I am struggling with the "right" definition. I can picture in my mind the scenario, but I am having trouble coming up with a sound definition for this.
Thank you so much to anyone who helps...
JustJen, BSN, RN
64 Posts
I consider a teachable moment as something like :
Teaching a patient that is being prescribed Procardia that they should avoid grapefriut juice while on the medication.
Teaching a new mom to wipe her baby's cord stump with alcohol during a diaper change.
Any time you can teach a patient anything! It can be just chatting with the patient, recognizing that they are lacking knowledge, and offering your advice and rationale.
z's playa
2,056 Posts
A teaching moment to me is the opportunity to empower the pt with knowledge in order to improve their health/care.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
a teaching moment to me is the opportunity to empower the pt with knowledge in order to improve their health/care. z
i was all prepared to spew such wise words here to help you understand the meaning. but, after seeing z's playa's answer, just was not necessary.
she said it all.
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
:yeahthat: i was all prepared to spew such wise words here to help you understand the meaning. but, after seeing z's playa's answer, just was not necessary.she said it all.siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
those were both excellent replies, thank you so very much. i just love the help i get on this board. =)
i am in finals week (this week and next monday) and i will have finished my first term of nursing school!
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
Ok I got one. A nursing instructor once told us this true story to instill the importance of patient education.
A woman went to a clinic to get a form of birth control. The clinic ended up giving her spermicidal jelly with out really explaining just how to use it in de-tail, other than "use this before each time you have sex."
A few months later the woman returned angry and pregnant. When asked if she had used the Spermicidal jelly like instructed she said, "Yes! I put it in my toast every morning!"
those were both excellent replies, thank you so very much. I just love the help I get on this board. =)I am in finals week (this week and next Monday) and I will have finished my first term of nursing school!~J
I am in finals week (this week and next Monday) and I will have finished my first term of nursing school!
:balloons: Well, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with the remainder!!
Keep us posted!!