help with teas exam


I just got the info that wccc is now going to use a new exam called teas?? If anyone has recently taken this exam what did you study? I found a small amount of info, but it all seems to be old. If anyone could help...I'm going crazy thank you ssssooooo much:bugeyes:

Beef up on your science and math. That's the best suggestion I could make for you. Good luck. I didn't think it was too bad. I worried more than necessary. If you have time they sell study guides for them - I found one on ebay for pretty cheap.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

teas (test of essential academic skills - the home page of the organization that writes and administrates this test. the test covers four general areas: math, reading, english and science.

  • math covers whole numbers, metric conversion, fractions, decimals, algebraic equations, percentages, and ratio/proportion
  • reading covers paragraph comprehension, passage comprehension, and inferences/conclusions
  • english covers knowledge of punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, contextual words and spelling
  • science covers science reasoning, science knowledge, biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, basic physical principles and general science - this is a link to their official study manual from their online store $36.95

websites that have information that you can use to help refresh your memory about the subjects on the test:

I would get the study guide it covers alot of things that are on the test it helped me big time with math and science.

I worried a lot too and realized it really wasn't all that bad. I think Science and Math are the ones that count most. TEAS is through an organization called ATI, if you can afford it I would highly recommend getting their study guide book online, or there are even a few sites online if you google them that give sample practice problems. Just don't stess, you'll do fine! Good Luck!

I took the TEAS. Study up on math and science. Science including biology, A&P, geology and physics. Buy the study guide beforehand. Good luck.

I have to take this exam too and I am all anxious over it. I am behind in my math, so that is what I am taking in the fall and spring. I also bought a basic math book and I need to start studying that too. For our program, we don't have to take it until after we are accepted which is a HUGE help as I have the year to get up to speed. Wish I had better advice but I am worried too.

I ordered the book from ATI testing and scored a 84..well above the national average. I think the book really helps..especially if you are like me and have been out of school for many years:icon_roll Good Luck!

I took the teas and it was basicly easily depending on how long you been out of a certain class. For instance the math and science is probably what got me. I also got pretty low but passed on the english portion because of the psychologicalness of the questions. But it was fairly easy just brush up on the basic part of math and basic science biology rather and you should do fine. I think each school have a different exam by the way. But if you get the book and study that I believe it is pretty much the same format cause a friend of mines had the book and she did very well. Good luck. Nothing to stress over just make sure you answer more correct than wrong.

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