Help...Taken NCLEX 3 times


I have taken NCLEX 3 times and I am getting very frustrated and upset. I have used books, taken Kaplan, an online class and another live review. I do not know what else to do. Please help. Any advice out there. I would love to pass my boards by the end of year 2005. Thank you in advance for help. :crying2:

I understand what you are going through. All of the school work and all of the test and now it comes down to this. One more TEST! At times I feel if it wasn't for the school loans...the heck with it. But this is something that I want to do and I will go back. Keep your head up and keep trying. Things will go your way when you least expect it. Just least that is what I am telling myself. Good luck.........Bill

Hey there, I can totally relate to how your feeling just now. It's hard. I've failed twice. However, I have been helped out by a Super Moderator (Suzanne4) who has a great plan and advice, which I am sure, if you contact her by PM will assist you.

Hope this helps you out.

Thank you so much for all of your kind words.

I have been in touch with suzanne4 and I am really hoping that it helps.

I take the test for the 3x on Nov 29th. I feel like there's nothing more I can do either. Everything that I have been studying with was nothing like either of my tests that I have taken. I know how you what can we do???? :crying2:

Good luck to each and every one of you... you can do it! Just remember that... let me know if you need help.

Melanie RN :)

my fiance has also taken it 3x and failed (found out today on thanksgiving morning) we need help....I dont know what do do....

here is the link to my original post

thanks in advance

Specializes in Operating Room.

Good luck to each of you taking or retaking the NCLEX.

Just like the above poster said, good things have been said about Suzanne4's method.

(Welcome to all of the new members, I hope you stick around. I'm sure soon enough you will be able to post that you passed.)

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