help pls. license endorsement from CA to TX

U.S.A. Texas


hi guys :))

i am on the process of endorsing my ca license to tx. i already applied online, last friday. paid the $200. printed out the nursing verification to be sent to california brn.

it is said in the 'end completion packet' that i needed to take the tx nursing jurisprudence exam.. and complete a livescan fingerprinting, since i reside in tx.

it's been 5 days after i applied online.. (with sat, sunday) and it is stated....

"in order to be eligible for an electronic fingerprint

submission, allow three business days to elapse before scheduling an appointment with l-1

identity solutions." ---- my question is, do i need to wait for a confirmation/mail/letter from tx bon that i am now gonna be able to schedule a livescan f.printing???? or do i just let 3 days pass.. and just schedule my fingerprinting without any letters/email/mail from tx bon??

^^and for the tx nursing jurisprudence exam.. how will i be able to find out if it's ok for me to take it already?

i've been checking my email accts and still no email from tx bon. i just thought i should just randomly schedule my livescan and tx jurisprudence exam since its already been 5 days..

thanks for the help guys!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

The Texas BON is not going to send you a confirmation email during any part of the endorsement process. I endorsed my California LVN license into Texas in 2006. I also endorsed my Oklahoma RN license into Texas a few months ago. It is entirely your responsibility to keep track of the dates and time frame.

I personally would allow ten business days to elapse before getting fingerprinted through the Live Scan system because the Texas BON is currently being inundated with endorsement applications from large numbers of nurses from around the country with out-of-state licensure. Good luck to you.


I am also trying to endorse my license from MS to TX. I have a temporary Texas RN license. How long does it usually take for endorsement to receive the permanent license? I submitted the fingerprints (not via live-scan, via out of state police department) in late september. I have also passed the TX jurisprudence exam. Thank you for your help.


thanks for the infos The Commuter.

@ spudbunny: i already did the fingerprint via livescan 2 days ago, yesterday, i got a letter from the TX BON about the requirements i need. i haven't taken the jurisprudence exam yet. how long after u have filed ur application did u take the jurisprudence exam? and how long before u got ur temporary license? thanks!

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