Published Apr 13, 2005
1 Post
Im new here, sorry if this is is the wrong place to post this question but the other boards with similiar questions I have came across didnt really get replies...and I need advice in the worst way.
I live in San Diego, I want to go into nursing, Im 30 yrs old, no medical background. I have 60 credit hours from a college I attended in MD but at the time my major was business and I don't even know how that works, if those courses transfer.
I am married but soon to be divorced.....I also have a month old baby and a 5 yr old son. He doesnt attend school until fall. I've been wanting to go into nursing for the last few years but I feel like it's impossible NOW bc of the baby and having to work and attend the moment I am home with my children and not "working" but once my husband moves out I have no choice but TO work.
I'm from the east coast & I have no family here to watch her,
I want to get a career in the worst way so I can support my kids but I can't put my baby in daycare. does anyone know anything about online nursing programs/courses such as Phoenix?? Are students of online courses *frowned upon" by hospitals or peers? Phoenix University is pricey and to waste all that money is not an option. I thought that might be an avenue as I am home with the baby and can at least do that for now. Anyone have advice? SORRY this post was so long, but I really tried to put in any relevant info. Thanks for any input,Sherry
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I'm sorry for your situation. Would it be possible to move back to be closer to family that could help you and the kids? That would be my advice. As to University of Phoenix - they do indeed have online BSN and MSN. HOWEVER, it is only for those who are already an RN.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The community colleges in Arizona offer on-line classes for your pre-requisites. You will still need to attend school later on when you get into the actual nursing program. But you can get quite a few classes out of the way by doing this. You can check out Phoenix Community College, Glendale Community College, and Rio Salado. These are a few of the schools that come to my mind right now.
Good luck................and they do transfer without any problems......
3,905 Posts
I'm from the east coast & I have no family here to watch her, I want to get a career in the worst way so I can support my kids but I can't put my baby in daycare. does anyone know anything about online nursing programs/courses such as Phoenix?? Are students of online courses *frowned upon" by hospitals or peers? Phoenix University is pricey and to waste all that money is not an option. I thought that might be an avenue as I am home with the baby and can at least do that for now. Anyone have advice? SORRY this post was so long, but I really tried to put in any relevant info. Thanks for any input,Sherry
Since you're in San Diego, your online options in California are probably going to be limited. As far as I know Excelsior was the only online ADN program option available, but the California BORN doesn't accept that program anymore. University of Phoenix is only an option if you already have your ADN.
First you have to figure out what school you're going to attend because every school has different pre-requisite requirements. Check the BORN website for accredited programs.
But, using my CC as an example, I can tell you what my friends have done when they had small children. My CC requires a lot of general ed, along with the heavier science courses. A lot of the general ed (although not all of it) can be taken online at my school so my friends got those courses out of the way until their children were older. Then they took the heavier sciences courses when they had more time because the lab requirements generally prohibit the schools from offering those courses online.
However, it could be different elsewhere. Check with the BORN website and talk to a counselor at the schools in your area. But don't be discouraged. It may take awhile, but I do know people have done it while working and supporting their kids.
98 Posts
I know that some of the CA community colleges do offer the heavy science courses online--Micro, Chem, Anatomy, etc. There is a wonderful website called the California Community College Independent Learning (or something like that). It's a collection of all CA community colleges that offer distance-based courses--videotape, online, etc. Anyone can register for these courses. Some some schools do offer online courses, but you need to take the tests on campus, and some courses are purely (including tests). Check it out and see what you think.
Good Luck!
39 Posts
I myself am in somewhat of the same situation you are in. I am a single parent working and going to school. I work part-time and live with my sister and we split bills. We both had (my sister and I) our first child at the same time, so we trade off on eachother for babysitting. We work out our scheduals so that i have time to go part time to college. I wouldnt be able to do this without family though. My son is 6 months. When he is older (3 or 4) I plan on attending the Nursing program. The college I attend has day care on the campus. You could look into something like that, or see if you qualify for government aid for day care down the line when you are ready to attend and your pre reqs are out of the way. You are most likely to be doing some waiting time anyway due to the long waiting lists at colleges. I just want to let you know that even though you have a family to take care of, there are resources to help you and it can be done. Good luck.