Help please with Concept map Chest pain


I have my concept map done except I got stuck on the patho part for Chest pain,

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Well, why is your patient having chest pain? Is it cardiac pain? Is it related to an acute MI? Previous cardiac injury? Stable angina? Unstable angina? Pneumonia?

Once you've decided why your patient is having chest pain, use your text book or a search engine (google is great) to find the pathophysiology of that condition.

Specializes in Progressive, Intermediate Care, and Stepdown.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Google----->"Chest Pain Pathophysiology" Narrow down your cause and your pathophysiology explanation after doing so. Good Luck!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

welcome to an! we are happy to help with home work but we will not do it for you. tell me what you have so far for chest pain.....angina

unstable angina medscape requires registration but is is a great resource/reference for you!

medscape: medscape access

angina pectoris in emergency medicine

medscape: medscape access

angina pectoris

let me google that for is your friend

what chest pain? costochondritis? rib fracture? foreign body? shingles? esophageal regurgitation? pleurisy? and of course all those we-think-of-that-first cardiac things.

what do you know already? we don't give your homework to you straight up, even though esme is very generous with resources; we want to know what kind of work you've put into this yourself. :D

Specializes in med-tele/ER.

I would assume you need help with chest pain related to cardiac issues.

Pain is caused by loss of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardial tissue because of inadequate coronary blood flow usually caused by atherosclerosis.

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