Help with a patient!

Nursing Students Student Assist


I have a patient that has a foli and the doctor has order to start bladder training does anyone know what that would entail?

Basically the foley is removed and the patient is given opportunity to void on their own. Depending on you facility protocol or the MD orders you either bladder scan after voiding and straight cath if residual ( what's left in the bladder) is over a certain amount, say 400ml or you straight cath every 8 or 12 hours if patient does not void an adequate amount in that time frame. You will need to keep strict I&O in that case and regularly assess the bladder for distention. The goal is to "teach" the bladder to recognize when it's full and empty itself after being deconditioned by a catheter which simply drained a continuous stream of urine. At first it may need your help to "empty" itself via straight cath but hopefully after a day or so it will regain it's function. As the patient voids more frequently and in larger amounts you might only need to cath once a day but it's very important to measure what they are putting in and make sure most of it is coming out. Remember, the golden rule is that at basic kidney function the human body produces 30 ml of urine per hour. Good luck!

Did you look in your textbook under "bladder training"? The above posters have very kindly supplied you with some help; now go and look it up and learn more. Then if you still have questions or something you read is confusing, we would love to help!

And it's "Foley catheter," meaning the catheter was invented by Foley so he gets to have his (properly capitalized) name on it forever.

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