HELP! Nursing textbooks??


Hi guys!

I've been ordering my Nursing textbooks recently and I'm already losing a lot of money lol. I just wanted some advice specific to my textbook list (I've seen the other questions similar to this one already).

There is a Maternal Child Nursing Care textbook Hockenberry 6th edition textbook we're required to purchase. This book is very new and I can't find any used copies for under $100 (New texts are around $150). If there's truly no other option I will obviously be purchasing the book but I was wondering if this is a book that I could rent.

I've read a lot of posts that suggest renting instead of buying for some of the books that aren't needed for review later on in life. Is this book one of them? I know it's an OB book & I'm not sure what field I'm going into but still.

Any advice would be appreciated very very much!!! Thanks!

Specializes in NICU.

If I had to do it over again, I would have just rented all my books. I chose to buy a couple thinking that I would use them as reference books, but never opened them since graduation. By the time you graduate, get a job, and want the book as a reference, you will probably buy that book (that edition) for $10 online.

Specializes in Med-Tele; ED; ICU.

Rent the books or buy older versions.

If doing the latter, recognize that you may get dinged a few points along the way because of changes in the text but if you're not a marginal student that's nothing to worry about.

Once you're out of school, you're much more likely to be relying on specialize topic books rather than the broad tomes. And if you're into that sort of thing, there are a ton of references to be found in some of the shadier corners of the internet.

You could try for renting options. The other option is to buy the previous edition. I have done that loads and loads of times, and never had an issue with missing information. And if anything *is* missing, you can always ask a classmate for a photocopy of those particular pages. I've seen edition 5 running at around $50, and edition 4 at $15.

The other option (if you can find it) is to buy the PDF or e-book. You can often get those much cheaper too.

just dont buy it. i never read my books and did just fine, but i'd learn our notes word for word for the test.

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