Help with Nursing school stress

Nursing Students General Students


:wtosts:I know there are other stress threads on here but the ones I've read are mostly working nurses and what they do to relax and not think about work. I would like to hear from fellow student nurses on how you deal with stress when we have so little time for anything other than studying, clinicals etc. I am in an accelerated program (2nd semester) and am having trouble falling asleep b/c my mine is thinking about all I have to do or worrying about an exam. I've also begun to have stress stomach aches routinely. SO...any tips on how you wind down or calm your mind/body down that doesn't require a lot of time or expenses???? :plsebeg:Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...don't want to resort to anti-anxiety meds!


Specializes in LTC, HomeCare.


before i go to sleep:

i make lists of everything i need to remember the next day so i'm not in bed worrying about/reminding myself about a,b,c....

then i listen to myself breathe; i like to think of the sound of ocean waves rushing slowly up the shore (inhale) and slowly back into the ocean (exhale).

i also have "mantras" "prayers" things i repeat to myself slowly and calmly. examples:

"Have faith: it is what it is (things are as they are."

"Have courage: this moment is everything. Have courage: this moment is nothing."

or a prayer:

"May i dwell in rememberance of god: that each breath is the breath of god; that each word is a word of god; that each face is a face of god."

or that serenity prayer, "god grant me the courage to accept....."

you know, whatever your faith is, whatever poem or prayer or verse that triggers in you calmness and serenity.....just keep repeating it and minding your breath, without worrying if you're doing it right or wrong or whatever.

i usually fall asleep trying to stay awake to say these "prayers."

i agree with the yoga as well, i haven't been doing it lately but when i do make it to a class i leave so level-headed and calm, it's wonderful.

What do you like to do? Just because nursing school is apart of your life doesnt mean that you have to completely abandon all of the things that make you happy. Me? I love art museums, but since nursing school started, I just bought ALOT of art books since I didn't have time to go as frequent as I wished ( or not at all!). And nothing feels better after a long stressful day at school, than crying on my boyfriend's shoulder.:rotfl:

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