Published Jul 25, 2007
55 Posts
Now that i have your attention what do you think the usuall gpa is to get admitted into a nursing program???
287 Posts
Hi! It depends the type of program that you are applying to. Many ADN/Community Colleges now have waiting lists up to 2 years long, which you may be placed on as long as you have a B average in Sciences.
University programs where you work towards a bachelors degree usually have a competitive application process. Some look solely at prerequ GPA's and other use overall GPAs. I am starting Nursing school in a few weeks. My program first looked at prerequ GPA, then overall GPA. Because GPA's are usually really high (3.8 or higher), they ask that we also submit volunteer/experience list and a 250 word personal statement.
Some BSN programs only look at GPA. If they have 50 students, they start with the top GPAs and work down filling all seats. You can call the nursing schools office of student affairs and ask for the cut-off GPA accepted the last semester.
Anyways, I would feel very confident with a 3.7 or 3.8. I would be nervous if my GPA was lower than a 3.7.
beth66335, BSN, RN
890 Posts
Hi! My school requires a minimum of 2.75. They also consider prereq GPAs and how many of your prereqs you have completed.I only got a B in one of my Science reqs, Cs in the others, but my overall GPA is 3.07 and I only have English left in my prereqs, so I got in. I am also 40, and I think being an older student gives them more confidence that I will work hard and finish the race!
mom of twins
10 Posts
The nursing school I went to required a 3.0gpa. However, that is also how they thinned applicants. They would set a scale of about 3.7 and drop the applicants below that. I guess that is the only way they could come up with to go through the 300+applicants with only 22 being accepted.
1,194 Posts
It really depends on your school. Mine only requires that you have a 2.0 I believe (or 2.5), but really, it isn't hard to achieve that. Mainly our school looks at the NLN score though as the main way they accept you into Nursing School.
1,051 Posts
I am applying to a 2 year CC program (Brookhaven) in Dallas. Here they do NOT look at your overall GPA. Instead they take your GPA for 4 courses (A&P 1, Dev Psych, English, Chemistry). In addition you a point for each point you score over 75 on the Hesi entrance exam, and its added to the GPA of the 4 courses. Then you get either 1 or 2 points for classes you have taken on a list they have and they are added to the total. If you have applied before and met the requirements to accepted but werent you get 3 extra points added on.
The top 40 people with the highest number of points gets a spot. There is not a waiting list if you don't make it you apply the next app period. I have no idea what the average number of points if for people making it in, but I would love to know.
Irene joy
243 Posts
My community college goes by grade point average on pre-recs, no waiting list. The lowest gpa that was accepted last year was 3.87