HELP! Need to make decision!

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all!

I have a quandary I need help to think through. I just finished up my first semester of nursing school. I have a break in between my semesters and I am in the process of getting my CNA license( which can't happen until transcripts are released and then I go take my test and get my license). In the meantime A few of my instructors have mentioned the local Phlebotomy course offered( every Saturday for a few months) as a potential course I could take and beef up my resume when applying for jobs in the summer while I finish nursing school.

MY question is: is this something worth pursuing? a phlebotomy license? I live in California btw and I really want to get employed in a hospital setting while I finish up school( not working is not an option for me). Fellow nurses and nursing students and potential nurses help me out here, is this a good avenue to pursue? Thank you all!

On 12/18/2019 at 10:22 PM, brownbook said:

I'm astonished that posters don't think being a CNA is valuable.

There are hospitals where nurses do total care, as in no CNAs. Which I think is stupid.

Most ICUs don't use CNAs. Try giving a bed bath to an intubated patient!

Is giving a bed bath to an intubated patient hard

While I was working on my prerequisite courses for my AnD program, I completed a 15 credit phlebotomy certificate at my school to get my foot in the door at a local hospital - since a lot of hospitals in the area of Pennsylvania I live in require the BSN. I am so happy I became a phlebotomist and currently work at a trauma hospital in-patient, as I was exposed to almost every unit of the hospital. I was able to experience different units and figure out where I potentially would like to apply after finishing my ADN May of 2021.

I can only speak on my experience with my Nursing Program (going into Semester 3 of 4), but we were never taught to draw blood. I know that every program is different, but even Nurses at my hospital say they never learned in school, it was more "on the job training." Also, depending on the hospital you work at, Nurses may be drawing their own blood samples, so it's not a bad idea to take a Phlebotomy course if you feel nervous about it. I also am interested in working as an ICU Nurse, which I noticed a lot of job postings in my area state "phlebotomy certification preferred" or "Phlebotomy experience preferred" for specific postings. But like I said, just my experience.

While I do feel like I would have also benefited from becoming a CNA, the program for CNA at my Community College didn't fit into my work schedule while taking prerequisite courses and ultimately was the deciding factor as to why I completed the RPT certification. It really has helped me with Nursing School in the sense that I have seen various different units and have a grasp on Lab Tests for Fluid & Electrolytes, PAT for Med-Surg, Etc.

Either would be great experience & I hope you have all the success in the future! ?

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