HELP!! My grade is in, how will this affect my chances.....


Specializes in ICU.

Hello All! This is my first post and I am glad to have found this site.

I am a first year nursing student who is two weeks away from finishing my first semester. I currently have 70 credits and have a 4.0 gpa. All of my nursing requirements are met and only have the core nursing classes to finish up. My plan is to work full time in an ICU for two years and finish up my BSN and apply to a CRNA program. Here is my question, and I hope it does not sound ridiculous. I currently have a 88.5% and am now facing my first B ever! I am wondering how this will affect my chances of getting accepted into CRNA school? Can you get into CRNA school if you get B's in your core nursing classes but A's in all your sciences and the rest of your associates/bachelors classes?

I am feeling pretty bummed about this and would really appreciate any thoughts.

thanks in advance!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency.

shouldn't be a problem.. don't worry and keep plugging away.. science grades and solid icu experience are the keys, from what i keep hearing..

One B? Don't worry about it.

Specializes in ICU.

Thanks for the replies! In reality I do not think that a B is that devastating, but since becoming a CRNA is my ultimate goal, I have done some research on the schools that offer the program here in the Kansas City Metro area and they typically only allow 9 to 10 students in each year. By the looks of it, it is extremely competitive. I am not sure how other RN nursing programs are, but the one that I am in gives you 9 to 10 credits each semester for the actual nursing class so my B is going to be 9 credits worth of a B.

I am also wondering if other RN programs are as difficult as mine feels like it is. There are 55 students and out of the 55 the lowest gpa is a 3.5. You would think that there would be a lot of people getting A's in this program, but only 3 of the 55 actually do have an A right now. The three that do have an A all have prior experience working in a health care setting. Is this typical?

Inhale. Exhale. Rinse. Repeat.

Take a cleansing breath. You have excellent grades and are an apt pupil.

Now, have a nice holiday break from school. Go have some visions of sugar plums, find a recipe for some delectable German Christmas cookies etc. :Holly2:

And go shadow a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist over break for inspiration to the max! :w00t:

Specializes in psych.

I completely understand how you are feeling. I went through the exact same thing. My first semester 4.0, 2nd semester- 1 B- summer 1-B, last semester 4.0 = graduating w/ 3.87. After the first B I thought all hopes of getting into CRNA school was null, but being on this site for over3yrs, from what I've read and researched, most people DONT have 4.0 when they get in. THey DO have high GPA's but every CRNA you see isnt walking around with a 4.0. Nursing school was awful b/c it seemed like ever grade counted, but if you read from past posts, many have gotten in with

Good luck..:)

In my opinion one B is not going to affect your chances of being accepted into CRNA school. I graduated with a 3.73 and was just fine. Just remember, there are other factors that come into play: your GRE/MAT scores, Critical Care experience, Interview.

I had two years experience in the CCU at a level 1 trauma center and start Anesthesia School in January 2006!! Just work hard, dont sweat it. I am also very anal and strive to get an A is all my classes, so I understand where you are coming from, but dont stress! Work hard, study, and enjoy is too short to be that stressed out! This is what i have learned in the past 2 years...hope this helps!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

You have awsome grades, best wishes and much success to you. :balloons:

Specializes in ICU.

Wow! Thanks for all the encouraging words. In the end I took my final and and ended up with 448 pt.s out of 500 which put me at 89.6% and they informed me that 89.5% and higher = an A!!!! :cool:

I have learned a lesson though about getting so wound up about it, I know I will still get a little stressed(it's nursing school after all) but I agree with other posts I have seen here, grades are not the total package after all, good experience in a challenging setting is priceless.

I am shadowing a CRNA this next summer for a few days who also happens to be a professor at one of the schools I want to apply to. (bonus!)

So how tough were the GRE's?

Specializes in ICU.
Wow! Thanks for all the encouraging words. In the end I took my final and and ended up with 448 pt.s out of 500 which put me at 89.6% and they informed me that 89.5% and higher = an A!!!! :cool:

I have learned a lesson though about getting so wound up about it, I know I will still get a little stressed(it's nursing school after all) but I agree with other posts I have seen here, grades are not the total package after all, good experience in a challenging setting is priceless.

I am shadowing a CRNA this next summer for a few days who also happens to be a professor at one of the schools I want to apply to. (bonus!)

So how tough were the GRE's?

Wow. At my nursing school 95% and above is an A. A 90% is a flat B. I am going to apply only to the programs in my area because I don't think others would know my school's grading scale.

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