
I've posted different topics in the travel nursing forum, and get little to no answers, so I thought I would put this here, hoping to get more traffic.

I'm trying to decide if I want to take a travel assignment or not. I've been on a peds hem/onc floor for over a year and a half and I'm so burned out it's crazy! I hate coming in to my job, I'm sick most of the time. It's partly because of the patients I deal with, but mostly all the other CRAP I have to deal with (coworkers, management, etc).

I know very well there is crap everywhere you go, but I have to think that somewhere, people actually like their job. All I do is tolerate mine, and I'm not doing a very good job of that. I NEED a change, I NEED to get out of here. I'm completely miserable.

What's the problem you say? Well, some of my coworkers are giving me a VERY hard time about leaving. I've been told that I'm so young (22 yo) that I don't know how to stick with a job through the good and the bad. They say that at the first sign of trouble I pick up and go. How do they know? This is my first nursing job. A more trusted nurse told me it's completely normal to want to change after about a year or so out of school. Many of my other coworkers feel like I'm taking the easy way out. They want me to go somewhere else and be even more miserable so I'll come back here. Granted, I do work in a very nice hospital, but I'm too young to be unhappy, life is too short.

Can anyone give me advice on this?

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
What's the problem you say? Well, some of my coworkers are giving me a VERY hard time about leaving. I've been told that I'm so young (22 yo) that I don't know how to stick with a job through the good and the bad. They say that at the first sign of trouble I pick up and go. How do they know? This is my first nursing job. A more trusted nurse told me it's completely normal to want to change after about a year or so out of school. Many of my other coworkers feel like I'm taking the easy way out. They want me to go somewhere else and be even more miserable so I'll come back here. Granted, I do work in a very nice hospital, but I'm too young to be unhappy, life is too short.

Can anyone give me advice on this?

Go-go now! ...Your co-workers are jealous because they don't have the guts to just pick up and go.They envy you-as I do... :) Life is TOO short to be miserable no matter how old you are --- go have fun before you are saddled with responsibilities .That sounds awful-I love my family and home but once in a while I fantasize about just packing a bag and running away and being responsible for nothing but MYSELF and my own laundry....Join the peace corp or habitat for humanity.Be a traveling nurse.....Go anything you want---have a blast!!!
Specializes in Case Mgmt; Mat/Child, Critical Care.

I'm with the others...Go, go, go! I have done travel assignments, the time really flies fast! Please, please, please do your research first, do not sign with the 1st company that wants you....and they will all want you! Those recruiters/companies make big bucks off us. I don't care as long as I am being taken care of! Definitely go to the delphi forums and it is the travel nurse and therapist forum. You will get so much info there....companies to avoid, recruiters to avoid, good, honest companies, answer questions about your contract....advice on your contract, etc.You'll learn the do's and don'ts of travel nursing! Plus they list a lot of open positions can get an idea of how much money they pay and what the other perks are!

It is scary, but, remember, if you don't like it after 1 or 2 assignments you can go back home. Either way, you definitely need to get out of that job you have now!

Good luck! Have fun!

I will check out those forums for travelers you guys were talking about. I work with a lot of travelers so I've got many opinions on the subject first hand from them about companys and such.

If anyone else has thoughts on this subject, please let me know.


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