Help!! Looking for a RN job in NY

U.S.A. New York


Hi All,

I am a new graduate of MAY 2015. Looking for a RN job.I had Applied everywhere but no luck. If anyone have a any tips or can help me. I will appreciate that. I have experience working as nursing assistant in a hospital. THANK YOU

I didn't go through agency. I apply directly to there and they called me for a interview.

Lynchburg general Hospital is hiring new graduates, you can look into it if you are willing to relocate. Is a great hospital to work for as well.

Specializes in Emergency.

Kingston is hiring.

Brookdale hospital in brooklyn. Not as bad it seems. Great place to get your feet wet as a new nurse. You'll learn a lot and they hire tons of new grads.

anyone works as RN in New York Foundling? How you like it?

yeah, I may do that. I got a another job offer from New York Foundling. Schedule is perfect and pay is good too. But it look like more of mental health type. I don't know if I should accept that or not. Kings brook Jewish medical center called me back for another interview. Thank you for all your input.

What area are you applying to? Long Island? Queens? Manhattan? I know commuting isn't easy after a 12 hour shift but that's what I am doing to get my experience. I applied all over, I graduated in May as well. I applied to all the NSLIJ & catholic health system hospitals. I am from Long Island, I only heard back from NSLIJ Forest Hills. It's over an hour drive for me but it's worth the experience. NSLIJ Forest hills has hired many new grads, I was hired with all new grads. I keep seeing new grads orienting in other units. I know we'd are hiring right now as well. The manager who hired me knows I don't want to med surg & most people just do their year there for experience & then transfer. I know it's frustrating but keep trying! I'm not sure where you live & have applied but don't limit yourself to one location, try queens, Brooklyn, etc after your year experience it gets easier!

Try South Nassau Communities Hospital. I agree with Katie.

Try South Nassau Communities Hospital. I agree with Katie.

hi smiley28.

are you familiar with south nassau communities hospital hiring process?

I applied almost everywhere Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan. I went to two interview, One with Jewish Medical Center in Brooklyn and other is with New York Foundling. Hopefully i will get the job. I don't drive so location is important for me. Thank you so much for your input.

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