Help! License endorsement from Illinois to Texas.


I passed my NCLEX-RN for Illinois a week ago but I currently live in Texas. I saw Texas online endorsement and in order to do that, I need a license number but I don't have it yet. I just got the candidate report letter today and it's asking me to send them back the letter with the $50 money order or check. I'm planning to send the letter with the amount tomorrow but I am thinking if they are gonna give me a license number if my address is in Texas. I would like to know if I will be doing the right thing (without wasting time, cause I need my Texas temporary license ASAP) which is sending this letter to Illinois to get my license number and then afterwards move to online endorsement for Texas.. I need yer help, guysss... Thank you..

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

If you live in Texas and plan on staying in Texas.....why did you test in Illinois? Without your license in Illinois you can't apply for endorsement in Texas. You will have to fulfill ALL the requirements for Texas and that isn't necessarily a "quick" process. If you don't ewnd the money to Illinois you won't get a license and without a license you can't endorse to Texas....send the money and letter back to Illinois so you can get your license. There are no short cuts unfortunately.

You can't look up your license number online? Mine was available about a week after I took the test. Usually you can do this on the states BON website.

The reason why I didn't test in Texas is because I can't meet their requirements. I graduated nursing 2007 and only had 5 months nursing experience. From what I know one must have at least one year exp if graduated more than one or two years ago and there's no way for me to have nursing exp if I don't have a nursing license. So I tried Illinois.. I was just worried if Illinois BON will grant me a license if my address is Texas..but I did send back the letter and money order day after I got the letter from them. I'll just wait and see what's gonna happen next. I read from one thread here in allnurses that it took them 2 weeks to finally see their license number from the day they send back the official pass letter.. So there..we'll see if mine's gonna be the same timeline as theirs.. ?

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

OK, so now I'm confused. Was your "experience" as a GN? I know that each state has its own set of rules, but I thought that most states have a limit on the amount of time you can work as a GN. If you're trying to figure out how to bypass Tx licensure requirements, I don't think this is a good idea at all. If(when) the manipulation it is discovered, you may find that you have a bigger issue to deal with and that could have a much more serious impact on your license.

When you said GN did you mean Graduate Nurse? (sorry I don't know :). Anyway, my experience was as a Registered Nurse back in our country using my local nursing license.

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