**Help!** Lactation counselor/educator/consultant??

Specialties Ob/Gyn


So..... question for the lactation world here....

I'm an ICU nurse and wanting to move into the lactation consultant role. I understand the education hours that need to be obtained prior to the once a year test that is available and then the clinical hours. At this time, I am only able to work part time so this puts me in a bind trying to get experience with mom and baby. All of the managers I've spoken with are not willing to hire unless I work full time.....

There are other roles such as the educator and the counselor, so I was going to look into these roles (not sure which ones you can actually find positions for).

Any suggestions on which route to go to help me get my clinical hours since it looks difficult to break into the mother baby or newborn nursery role? I have already emailed a womens pavillion in my city that does breastfeeding education and has a milk bank. I am also trying to get in touch with my local WIC (where they provide assistance to mothers with medicaid) since they do breastfeeding support there as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Emergency.

La league leader. Nearly every IBCLC I know got their hours that way, none are RNs.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

In order to be a LLL Leader, you have to have breastfed your own child(ren) for at least a year.

Being a WIC counselor provides as many consultancy hours as being a LLL Leader.

Specializes in Pediatrics, High-Risk L&D, Antepartum, L.

You may find an IBCLC in your area willing to precept...may.

The educator role isn't working with moms and babies. That is really going to be teaching breastfeeding classes.

The CLC...please don't so that. It's a weeklong class that doesn't even require a high school diploma. The company that sells it is known for telling their students they are equal to IBCLC...yeah after a weeklong class and no college classes (heck maybe no high school diploma) and no direct hands on with mom and baby.

Specializes in Maternity.

I agree that WIC is a good place to start. In Texas, WIC peer counselors can find work in hospitals which exposes you to mother baby units where you can make connections. Don't do CLC you will not get the education you need. Have you looked at lactation education resources? They have some nice pathways. Good Luck!

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