Published Jul 1, 2010
228 Posts
Hello my fellow nurses, I just wanted to get some feedback from any nurse managers here or even some staff nurses and charge nurses (especially those that interview people for positions). I was wondering what advice you could give me or other nurses (experienced or new) who are in the process of interviewing for positions. How do I stand out and make an impression ? (which is especially important if you're interviewing for a highly competitive position) What would impress the recruiter or the hiring nurse manager? What should I be prepared for?
Any help is much appreciated!
pielęgniarka, RN
490 Posts
There's a link for ya-- If you search more you'll find other links, they all appear to have good advice.
Thanks a lot!
dthfytr, ADN, LPN, RN, EMT-B, EMT-I
1,163 Posts
Last few interviews I went to for ER positions, instead of the standard "how do you handle time management"or "prioritization" questions, they were asking how I handled "multi-tasking." I don't know what kind of answer they really expected because there are lots of studies on the internet proving multi-tasking is self defeating. Your brain will handle 2 tasks, beyond that the more you try the worse you do. Hope this helps. Good luck.