Published Feb 2, 2009
Ms. Nurse Assistant, LPN
452 Posts
I am taking a course in Biology. I just got emailed the practice test and our teacher has like 60 questions and the majority of them are fill in the blank, he also wants you to draw a diagram of amino acids etc. it's just too much information to retain. If it were multiple choice I could easily pass but with fill in the blanks you have to fill pull the answer from no where:cry: I so regret taking this teacher. Fill in the blank tests are the hardest
61 Posts
For me the key is *REPETITION*!!! I repeat practice questions over and over until I literally know the answer without having to see the multiple choice answers. That way if the exam has fill in the blank questions you're prepared. Maybe you could print out multiple copies of the practice exam and repeat it a few times to help you get the material down.
I'm not a big flash card fan myself but flash cards seem to help many students! Perhaps they would help you as well.
Good luck on your test!
2,016 Posts
That was the practice test....I'd bet the actual test isn't fill in the blank. Those would take much longer to grade.
Truern has a good point! Think of it like this: If you can do well on the fill in the blank practice tests you can most definitely do well on the real exam, whether it is fill in the blank or multiple choice! Either way you'll be more prepared by doing the practice tests. :)