Published Apr 7, 2011
41 Posts
I am a new grad and I had an interview and the Director of Nursing (the interviewer) told me that I was the only person out of 4 that answered her questions correctly...also she said she wanted to "make a spot" for me...and that she really liked my friend that works there said that they dont offer the job until they check references (which I just gave her during the interview...)...Im thinking that she didnt need to tell me I was the only one who answered correctly....Oh and also she asked me to take a 12 Lead ECG class...(I didnt ask if I was supporsed to pay for this myself or if it was offered there...)...I checked for that class and there are several with different names so in my thank you letter I mentioned it and wanted to know the exact class so that I didnt take the wrong one....So what do you think? This lady was very straightforward and did not pretend she wouldnt even of bothered to tell me about the other 3 nor would she recommend me taking this class...what do you think?..Please
any thoughts on this would be appreciated....xoxo :redbeathe
230 Posts
Hi,I am a new grad and I had an interview and the Director of Nursing (the interviewer) told me that I was the only person out of 4 that answered her questions correctly...also she said she wanted to "make a spot" for me...and that she really liked my friend that works there said that they dont offer the job until they check references (which I just gave her during the interview...)...Im thinking that she didnt need to tell me I was the only one who answered correctly....Oh and also she asked me to take a 12 Lead ECG class...(I didnt ask if I was supporsed to pay for this myself or if it was offered there...)...I checked for that class and there are several with different names so in my thank you letter I mentioned it and wanted to know the exact class so that I didnt take the wrong one....So what do you think? This lady was very straightforward and did not pretend she wouldnt even of bothered to tell me about the other 3 nor would she recommend me taking this class...what do you think?..Pleaseany thoughts on this would be appreciated....xoxo :redbeathe
In my experience you will only know that you "got the job" when you receive a written letter offering you the position and stating the starting salary and start date. When you receive that letter is when I suggest you call and inquire about the ECG class. I would not expect that you will need to pay for it yourself.
It certainly all sounds promising! Good luck!
14,633 Posts
People say all kinds of strange things in interviews, and often say things that they mean one way, but an eager applicant can easily take another way. I would not count on anything until you get a telephone call (or letter/e-mail) telling you that are formally being offered X position.
Did anyone discuss money or benefits with you yet? If that hasn't happened yet, you haven't been (officially) offered a job (no one would expect you to accept a job offer without knowing what the wage and benefits would be).
I'm not saying that you necessarily aren't going to get the job; just that I don't see anything in your post that indicates the DON was officially offering you the job. Usually, when an employer gets to that point, they use v. plain, direct language ("I'm calling today to offer you the job" -- something like that), not anything that leaves you attempting to decipher what they meant ... :)
Best wishes, though!! :balloons:
188 Posts
More will be revealed.
Either way it sounds like you handled yourself really well for the interview process!
Good luck I hope it works out the way you want it to.
yes she did go over the pay scale and benefits...yes I know until its "offered" its not official...Im just excited...and Ive never had pay discussed as of yet with any other interview...
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
I'm sorry to be the annoying one here, but could you please enlarge the font in your post? Very difficult to read.
6 Posts
LOL! It was definitely hard to read! :)
I'd wait to be all excited until you get confirmation that you did get the job and the start date!