Published May 27, 2008
15 Posts
Worked at Hospital "X" in 1997 (11 years ago) for 16 months. Resigned then worked for Hospital "Y" for seven years then resigned. Worked agency a few years then went back to first Hospital (Hospital "X") but was fired after 2 week orientation!!! (politics - being fired was political reason I feel).
Should I disclose working for Hospital "X" on my resume? The problem is I worked for them over a year back in 1997 and resigned with eligible for rehire. After going back for only 2 weeks, I am fired with a no rehire status. It wasn't fair, but life isn't fair in the sick world of nursing. My question is would you even mention them as an employer on your resume? What would you do? Never been in this predicament. I just don't know what to do.
Thanks :uhoh21:
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
You only worked there for 16 months?
I'd take my chances and not mention it. Most employers only require that you provide a 5-year work history, anyway. If you include this position, you'd be reaching 11 years into the dusty crates.
You only worked there for 16 months?I'd take my chances and not mention it. Most employers only require that you provide a 5-year work history, anyway. If you include this position, you'd be reaching 11 years into the dusty crates.
Initially....worked there 16 months, but then resigned with eligibility for rehire. Worked most of my career at another hospital then resigned and went back to the first one only to be fired after a 2 week orientation.
Kinda figured most employers only require a five year work history. Just wanted to hear from others who know for sure and what they've done if ever fired.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Wow. I am really sorry.
litbitblack, ASN, RN
596 Posts
I probably wouldnt mention it but them when/ if call about your previous employment they would be mentioning your 2 week stint so its iffy......maybe don't mention it at all