Help!!! I failed BSN program


This is my first post. I failed Pediatrics in my 3rd semester because I recieved a total of 75.97% average on exams and in order to pass course you need a total of 76% average on all exams. If I would have earned a half a point more on final I would be at 76%. I have now failed the BSN program and would have to wait 2 years before I can even re-apply to the program. I have 36 nursing credits(OB, Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Adult Nursing,ect) all of my GE's and pre-reqs are completed. I have a total of 127 college credits applied to BSN.

I called some of the BSN programs in AZ and they will not accept a student that has failed a nursing program. :scrying: What really takes the cake is that I just called Pima Community college to see if I would be eligible to transfer in their ADN or LPN program and they said they are not excepting transfer students. I thought I could at least sit for NCLEX-LPN with almost 3 semesters of nursing and they said no because the BSN Program is not the same as LPN program. I feel like I am such a loser! I have wasted 2 years of time and I really want to be a RN.

Does anyone know of a LPN, ADN or a BSN program in AZ or CA, that will let me transner in? Or a way that I would qualify to sit for LPN so I can at least do a LPN to BSN program. I would do Excelsior, but I want to move back to CA soon to be near my family and CABON does not recognize them. I keep crying because I gave up so much and busted my butt in order to get accepted and go through this BSN program and now I have nothing to show for it. Any advise or information that anyone may offer me would greatly be accepted.

I don't medhead, but I'm sorry. That stinks.

Unfortunately I don't have any answers, but I wish you the best of luck!

Have you looked into the private nursing schools? I know that many of them are quite pricey, but I wonder if they'd be more accepting given their cost. Also, have you looked into Maricopa Community Colleges? I know that they accept transfer students in some cases.

Specializes in critical care: trauma/oncology/burns.


Not sure if this would help, but what about an on-line program?

Many of them accept a certain amount of credits, as long as the credits are from an accredited program.

You can go to that web site and check out the different distance BSN programs. I got my BSN from Cal State University, Dominquez Hills in '98 (a distance program, no residency required, at that time. Not sure about now)

Sorry. It sure does stink. But don't give up, yet.


Thanks eeryone for your concern. I made a couple of more calls. I maybe able to sit for the LPN if I can get into a class that has a OB, Pysch, mental health module that is 8 weeks. It would give me enough to sit for boards in AZ or CA. So I am waiting to hear from both AZ and CA boards. This was suggested to me from a chair on the nursing board. So keep your fingers crossed! This way I could do a distance program or there are some LPN-BSN programs in California that I could get into with advance placement and have some of my nursing classes transfer over. Ideally I would like to transfer in a ADN or BSN program but I will take what I can get.

Fingers crossed for you!

*fingers crossed* Good luck!

I know that Indiana State University has an online accredited LPN -> BSN program.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Try Chamberlain College of Nursing in AZ its a BSN program as well and as a private school may be able to help you... or let you repeat.

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