Help!!! How has Nursing evolved over the past 10yrs??


i really need some input on the highlighted portion of this admissions essay question.

i don't really know much on how nursing has evolved in the past ten yrs, so any comment is greatly appreciated. also any suggestions on how to answer all of this in one page???

personal statement (one page in length)

students should highlight unique characteristics and abilities of self, their personal interest

and involvement in healthcare, and any personal life events that have prompted their interest

in a nursing career. students should also identify their knowledge of the evolution of the

nursing health care system over the past ten years in the united states.

Specializes in Cardiology.

As your President would say, "This is a teachable moment".

One of the many things you will do in nursing school is learn how to effectively research a subject and write a paper.

In your case, I would start with the obvious. Google. You could also try searching Google Scholar for articles then head to your local University or Hospital library to find the articles (if you can't read them online).

I Googled, "How has nursing changed in the last 10 years".

Here is one of the many links that came up.

Good luck!

I don't think that nursing has "evolved" at all in the last 10 years. In my opinion, it has been 1 step forward and 10 steps back.

Have you thought about applying to other health care fields?

Good luck!


I thought about about respiratory therapy. Why do you discourage me from Nursing? what other health care fields do you suggest?

Just scout around the boards and you can get a feel for nursing in general and how nurses are treated.

Health fields treated with more respect:



Social Work

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

PT Assistant

Health Information Management: Medical Records

Respiratory Staff





Accounting Department


Jobs with better hours: Social Work, Pharmacy, Dietician, Medical Records

Better Pay: Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, PT assistant (we all have to pay our bills)

Better working conditions: all of the above

As your President would say, "This is a teachable moment".

One of the many things you will do in nursing school is learn how to effectively research a subject and write a paper.

In your case, I would start with the obvious. Google. You could also try searching Google Scholar for articles then head to your local University or Hospital library to find the articles (if you can't read them online).

I Googled, "How has nursing changed in the last 10 years".

Here is one of the many links that came up.

Good luck!

I agree 100%. And you could also try the library.

It's not that there aren't plenty of knowledgeable people on this site. But you should do your own research, so that you will actually learn and remember the info. It doesn't matter if it's an admissions paper, school paper, etc. Doing your own research is the best way to go.

Besides, if you take answers from here, how do you know if it's accurate information? It might just be opinions of others, or even incorrect information. Then what happens if you take that and submit it as your own work or ideas? It can reflect poorly on you.

Also, if nursing is what you have decided to do, don't let a few negative comments turn you away from that. I believe that every profession has it's pros and cons. Nothing is perfect. So it's up to you to decide what you want to do, and go for it.

Good luck to you! :)

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

op: this sounds like an exciting essay to write, but it won't be easy if you are not sure what nursing really is as a profession. it sounds like your admissions people are tired of getting students that have no idea what the profession of nursing is or what a nurse does on a daily basis... this essay may be a way for them to weed out those who have no insight as well as those with no aptitude to be a good nursing student. the best way to write such an essay is to reflect as well as do research on the topic. gl!

I do my own research, but I also believe that one of the best way to learn about a profession and its evolution is by asking people who have actually been doing it for a while. Many times papers are written by outsiders who interview members of the profession as well. To me nothing beats first hand information. I'm not forcing anyone to answer my question, but if have experience the evolution of this profession and would like to share please do so.


Thank you for pointing out some of the "Health fields treated with more respect." I'm sure they won't mind sharing their thoughts on the evolution of their chosen professions.

Nursing has continued to move forward with concepts to promote autonomy for the RN. Look for ideas on "best practice" and "evidence-based practice". we are also seeing an increase in NP's in the past 10 years. you do not mention if you are looking at nursing in general or RN or LPN level of entry. another good place to look is the NLN web site .. also discusses patient safety guidelines. a great place for some up to date info

Intoder thank you

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.
health fields treated with more respect:

pharmacy, ultrasound, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pt assistant, health information management: medical records, respiratory staff, housekeeping, lab, chaplain, billers, accounting department, dietician

jobs with better hours: social work, pharmacy, dietician, medical records

better pay: pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pt assistant (we all have to pay our bills)

better working conditions: all of the above

there is a lack of respect for everyone on the above list including finance that is non-managerial. plus hours for those working in the acute care setting are as bad as those of nurses if not worse (for example, social workers work more then 40 hours a week and are paid in peanuts per salary... no ot for them). also, working conditions are bad for everyone you mentioned if they have contact with humans on a daily basis. in fact, the lack of respect in health care is a huge reason why i will never encourage my kids to go into health care unless it is to be a professional such as a lawyer, a physician, or a pharmacist. i love nursing but i cannot stand the disrespect.

You are very welcome. Good luck with your paper!

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