HELP- Hours a nurse can work????


Specializes in correctional-CCHCP/detox nurse, DOULA-Birth Assist.

:angryfire I am having a problem at work and I hope you can help.

A couple of the nurses at my job, myself included, work a second job.

Now we work a second job in the nursing field because it pays more than working at the Texaco down the street, or why bother to work right? My boss has told me that I might have to quit my second nursing job because I work to many "nursing" hours and I can lose my license. He is telling another nurse the same.

:angryfire How he found out my hours I don't know. He knows where I work but no specifics on when, I don't give him my schedule. He wants my time sheets for there and is looking at the time sheets for here.

:angryfire :angryfire SORRY BUSTER, not getting anything from my other job from me. I allready called them and they are not giving anything to him. They are telling me they will give it to the State Labor or Nursing board if asked but not him. No problem from me there. I am the unioin steward for this place so he is really gonna love it when I tell him this is turning into a union matter and it will need to be dealt with by the union. Its boarding on harrassment.:nono:

Alaska has no set rules on nursing hours except when it comes to overtime.

Does anyone know where I can find any type of guidelines or standard for the hours a nurse may work before thet have to take a break. I have heard everything from 12-18 hours with a 4-8 hours break in between.

HELP please.

I don't know anything specific about this but if I were you I would call your Board of Nursing and find out DIRECTLY from them if there are laws guiding hours nurses can work and also let them know what your boss is up to. If anyone can help you, it will be them. Good luck!

:angryfire I am having a problem at work and I hope you can help.

A couple of the nurses at my job, myself included, work a second job.

Now we work a second job in the nursing field because it pays more than working at the Texaco down the street, or why bother to work right? My boss has told me that I might have to quit my second nursing job because I work to many "nursing" hours and I can lose my license. He is telling another nurse the same.

:angryfire How he found out my hours I don't know. He knows where I work but no specifics on when, I don't give him my schedule. He wants my time sheets for there and is looking at the time sheets for here.

:angryfire :angryfire SORRY BUSTER, not getting anything from my other job from me. I allready called them and they are not giving anything to him. They are telling me they will give it to the State Labor or Nursing board if asked but not him. No problem from me there. I am the unioin steward for this place so he is really gonna love it when I tell him this is turning into a union matter and it will need to be dealt with by the union. Its boarding on harrassment.:nono:

Alaska has no set rules on nursing hours except when it comes to overtime.

Does anyone know where I can find any type of guidelines or standard for the hours a nurse may work before thet have to take a break. I have heard everything from 12-18 hours with a 4-8 hours break in between.

HELP please.

Specializes in correctional-CCHCP/detox nurse, DOULA-Birth Assist.

I called the BON and Dept of Labor for my state and they both have told me that there are no set rules or guidelines for anything like that. There is no liomitations on how long a person can work. Scary when you think about it really.

Who wants to fly in the airplane with the pilot who has allready been for 20 hours. The employer can adopt federal guidelines if they want to since there are no state rules.

I was thinking about something along federal guidelines.

If anybody can give me an idea where to look I would be ever so greatfull.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

LMAO. This is a total joke. Your boss is an idiot. If you've checked with your SBON and he's full of beanie-weenies, you can tell him so and grieve away if he tries to push the issue. So glad you have a union :).

You may also want to consider making your part-time job your full-time job.

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, Home Health, Oncology.

I don't think there is anything like that. I worked two full time jobs for 10 yrs. without anyone saying anything. Both employers knew about my other job.

I have known many people that worked two full time jobs. Nothing ever said.

Mary Ann

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

There are no federal laws regarding how many hours nurses can work.

Scant state laws either! Why the worry by boss if no job performance issues?

Sounds like someone with axe to grind. Watch your back and hope your union supports you.

Specializes in correctional-CCHCP/detox nurse, DOULA-Birth Assist.

No issues at all with patient care. Never any incidents or write ups where patient safety was at risk. Thanks for your help.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

I also suspect that same boss would have no problem with you voluntarily working more hours (or being mandated to) if it was at _that_ facility.

I don't know where you work, but some hospitals (government springs to mind) have rules as to what you can and cannot do outside of what they consider is your primary position....their employee.

The facility where I work had a conflict of interest form they wanted us to sign (mandatory). It took months for me to fill this out because I had a second job which could be construed to be a conflict of interest...

:angryfire I am having a problem at work and I hope you can help.

A couple of the nurses at my job, myself included, work a second job.

Now we work a second job in the nursing field because it pays more than working at the Texaco down the street, or why bother to work right? My boss has told me that I might have to quit my second nursing job because I work to many "nursing" hours and I can lose my license. He is telling another nurse the same.

:angryfire How he found out my hours I don't know. He knows where I work but no specifics on when, I don't give him my schedule. He wants my time sheets for there and is looking at the time sheets for here.

:angryfire :angryfire SORRY BUSTER, not getting anything from my other job from me. I allready called them and they are not giving anything to him. They are telling me they will give it to the State Labor or Nursing board if asked but not him. No problem from me there. I am the unioin steward for this place so he is really gonna love it when I tell him this is turning into a union matter and it will need to be dealt with by the union. Its boarding on harrassment.:nono:

Alaska has no set rules on nursing hours except when it comes to overtime.

Does anyone know where I can find any type of guidelines or standard for the hours a nurse may work before thet have to take a break. I have heard everything from 12-18 hours with a 4-8 hours break in between.

HELP please.

tell him to give you a raise if he wants you to quit the other job; unless he wants to pay your rent, mortgage, child care or whatever expenses you have

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