Help with figuring out pay package


Hello all! Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me with this. I'm not planning on taking an assignment until April, but asked my recruiter to send me a basic pay package for the area. This will be close to what I will be offered I guess when the time comes. I would use the pan travelers calculator, but I am not sure if I'm using it correctly.

$12/hr = reg/taxable rate

$500 weekly = housing subsidy

$392 weekly = per diem

Weekly take home = $1228

For provided housing:

$20/hr = reg/taxable rate

$392 weekly = per diem

Weekly take home = $915.

I'm seriously considering taking the housing stipend since they said they would help me with that if I choose that. This all includes benefits, I'm just not sure if that falls under the per diem or reg/taxable rate. Any input would be great and how I could maybe negotiate for a few dollars more when I get closer to that time!

April gives you a lot of time to check out pay rates at other agencies. The major value of PanTravelers calculator is comparing offers.

Ok. I am actually waiting on another recruiter to send me an example pay package as well. The one above is just a basic one to give me an idea of what the numbers will be. I think it will be more because I am PCU/Tele/Stepdown Cardio. I just need help figuring out what the numbers mean so that when I do get other offers, I know what will be more beneficial to me. So a little help please?

The higher numbers are more beneficial. You must have some other question?

With what company did you get this offer

Is the taxable rate too low? Where should I try to keep it usually?

Taxable rate too low? Not possible!

Ok. Because I keep hearing it should never be below 18 or else it is a red flag for the IRS. Just concerned with this being my first assignment and not really understanding all of the tax aspects yet.

I really don't think all those McDonald's and Walmart workers have IRS audits! Hourly wages are not reported to the IRS. Exactly what would the issue be?

I really don't think all those McDonald's and Walmart workers have IRS audits! Hourly wages are not reported to the IRS. Exactly what would the issue be?

Not entirely sure. I just know it is what I've heard.

I've also heard that as an RN a taxable wage less than x amount is a "red flag" as well. But that's really not true. Like was mentioned before, hourly rates are not reported to the IRS, only taxable income. I always prefer my taxable rate low and stipend amount high because if you get canceled, you still get your stipends and makes losing out on $12 and hour much more bearable. Actually, for one of my assignments, I was canceled so many times, I think I only worked a couple of shifts in a month. But I still made more than a staff nurse back home because of my stipends :)

What area is this quoted for? I wouldn't mind $500/wk housing stipend...

In general, I look to get $1,100-$1,300/wk take home with hourly and stipends.

Please be careful with low taxable rates. It seems like wage recharacterization. It is illegal and if get audited you will get nailed! Your company will get in trouble. But they have lawyers insurance policies etc. The travel nurse is the one that reallys gets screwed! You can't cheat the government. One way or the other Uncle Sam will get his money! Look up the max per diem rates in the area of your contract. That should be a guide to make sure everything is kept legal.

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