Help me become a lactation counselor!


I'm a nursing student who is going to graduate in May (can't believe it!). Anyway, I was interested in getting my certification as a lactation counselor (something else to add to my resume) since I'm interested in working in Postpartum after graduation. I have looked at several websites but can't find anything in the New York City area (which can't be right.... lol). So if anyone has gotten their certification as a lactation counselor or knows of an organization which offers it, please help! thank you so much!!!!!!

I, too, want my end result to be a lactation consultant. Being in NY, a great link for you would be:

I am a breastfeeding mom, so I am going the La Leche League Leader route, to become an IBCLC. This is the site you should also look at:

I am starting Nursing 1 on the 25th, so I can't say how much help actually being an IBCLC will be to get you hired. I am HOPING a big help. I know some hospitals hire LC's without them being actual floor nurses as well, so I am hoping to be an IBCLC while I finish up my BSN, and work at a hospital as an LC, allowing me to network and hopefully find a spot when I graduate with my BSN.

Good luck! I hope it is some help!


Awww that's awesome! I would love to get certified eventually. But I'd be afraid that the ignorance of the maternity staff regarding breastfeeding would drive me nuts, lol. So I don't got good advice so far. Good luck!

I hear you! I am making it my mission that breast IS best, and the rest IS artificial feeding. I won't smile and pretend like artificial feeding is equal. Education is my mission!


I wouldn't be so sure. I delivered in a pretty backward town and the nurses were pretty supportive of breastfeeding on the maternity floor.

One of the docs, however, was trying to get me to supplement and if I were not a knowledgeable mom I would've been duped. Oh, and of course I got my "breastfeeding support bag" of formula (which I donated to the animal shelter).

I hear you! I am making it my mission that breast IS best, and the rest IS artificial feeding. I won't smile and pretend like artificial feeding is equal. Education is my mission!


If only every mom had your instinct! :yeah:

I wouldn't be so sure. I delivered in a pretty backward town and the nurses were pretty supportive of breastfeeding on the maternity floor.

One of the docs, however, was trying to get me to supplement and if I were not a knowledgeable mom I would've been duped. Oh, and of course I got my "breastfeeding support bag" of formula (which I donated to the animal shelter).

Glad you had supportive knowledgeable nurses. Unfortunately it's not always the case. The nurses at the hospital that my sister and I delivered at were great too, except for 1...ugh! But it's really sad how uneducated healthcare professionals and even us as humans are about something so basic to life...feeding our young! I wish they would do away with the "free" diaper bag! I left mine right in the hospital because I knew the crap that was in it. :devil:

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.

I'm interested in this route, too. I got some pretty good help from my kids' NICU nurses. Between them and my midwives, I nursed my twins for over two years. I want to help other mamas of preemies - especially mamas of multiples. Breastfeeding my kids helped them to be SO healthy for 9-weekers, and it was less work and money than trying to formula feed them. Breastmilk is esecially important for preemies - the composition is completely different from the nilk of a full-term baby.

Sorry to ramble, but y'all got me off on one of my soapbox issues! :lol2:

I am in awe of mamas who can nurse twins. Great work!! My friend has twins who are 9 months old, and she is amazing! I never felt like I got off the couch with my singletons, and her house is STILL clean! But her girls get down to business, and mine were slow eaters. I am hanging my hat on that.

Either way....Glad to know we have some informed and dedicated soon to be nurses heading to the front lines!


Specializes in PICU/Pedi.
I'm interested in this route, too. I got some pretty good help from my kids' NICU nurses. Between them and my midwives, I nursed my twins for over two years. I want to help other mamas of preemies - especially mamas of multiples. Breastfeeding my kids helped them to be SO healthy for 9-weekers, and it was less work and money than trying to formula feed them. Breastmilk is esecially important for preemies - the composition is completely different from the nilk of a full-term baby.

Sorry to ramble, but y'all got me off on one of my soapbox issues! :lol2:

Oh, I must have been tired last night...I spelled "milk" as "nilk". And what I wa trying to say about milk composition is that the milk from the mother of a preemie is different from the milk of the MOTHER of a full-term infant. :smackingf

Specializes in PICU/Pedi.
I am in awe of mamas who can nurse twins. Great work!! My friend has twins who are 9 months old, and she is amazing! I never felt like I got off the couch with my singletons, and her house is STILL clean! But her girls get down to business, and mine were slow eaters. I am hanging my hat on that.

Either way....Glad to know we have some informed and dedicated soon to be nurses heading to the front lines!


My house sure wasn't clean, so she's doing better than me. But mine were also slow eaters. They thought they had the all-day, eat-all-you-want buffet going on!

I'm interested in this route, too. I got some pretty good help from my kids' NICU nurses. Between them and my midwives, I nursed my twins for over two years. I want to help other mamas of preemies - especially mamas of multiples. Breastfeeding my kids helped them to be SO healthy for 9-weekers, and it was less work and money than trying to formula feed them. Breastmilk is esecially important for preemies - the composition is completely different from the nilk of a full-term baby.

Sorry to ramble, but y'all got me off on one of my soapbox issues! :lol2:

That's awesome! My daughter weaned when she was 20 months...she's now almost 3 and I miss it. She still asks for it sometimes, lol...I think because she sees my sister nursing her 2 kids. I say "well you gave it up honey" LOL Anyway...good for you! Oh my neighbor nursed her twins for a year....nothing compared to you but it's amazing when mothers nurse their multiples at all! It can be done! Even the octomom pump/s!

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