HELP!! Advice Please


So I have been an RN for 6 years, with the last 2 in a Step-down ICU. My ultimate career goal is to become an ICU float RN. Well management is really not doing good at my hospital in the ICU division with 2 directors giving notice and leaving the same day. When I applied and inquired about a few ICU positions I was told "sure, lets set up a day to meet and chat" by 2 of the directors (there are 4 directors total). Never heard from these managers and followed up with an email. 1 finally got back to me today (after a month) and said that he is not looking to hire any of us right now (even though there are openings) Any by any of us, there are 4 of us Step-down RN's looking to move into the ICU. There has been rumors that these managers are "blocking" us from moving because the step-down is poorly run and desperately need the help, therefore not allowing the staff to move. The management of this unit has seen 9 managers since I have been there!

So what should I do? I am at the point where I do not feel like fighting to get my way into this ICU; however I am feeling so lost career wise and if i even want ICU anymore. Feeling deflated.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Can you apply to a different hospital?

Specializes in Medsurg/ICU, Mental Health, Home Health.

I'd stay where you are at until you can go to a different health care system all together...

DeLanaHarvickWannabe, I think that this is going to be my plan. I have cut back hours and just "looking" for the right position. I have already turned down 2 other offers at different hospitals that I got.

OrganizedChaos, I have applied to different hospitals, and have been offered 2 jobs at different hospitals; but I have turned them down because both more than double my commute. However I did like to see what options were out there and it was great to interview and get back into that. At this hospital I have since cut back hours and still looking at the hospital I think I want to move onto. I would like to stay at a level 1; but there are not that many here.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
OrganizedChaos, I have applied to different hospitals, and have been offered 2 jobs at different hospitals; but I have turned them down because both more than double my commute. However I did like to see what options were out there and it was great to interview and get back into that. At this hospital I have since cut back hours and still looking at the hospital I think I want to move onto. I would like to stay at a level 1; but there are not that many here.

I know what it is like to commute but is sounds like your options are nil at your current job. Keep applying & hopefully you will get into a different hospital system closer to home. Fingers crossed for you!

There are instances where management chooses to not allow nurses to transfer due to lack of staffing, coupled with administration on management to cut staff and go with bare minimums, ICU or not.

So the combination of the 2 can be the perfect storm....

Sorry to hear that you're having difficulty where you are. I can understand as I just resigned my position as an icu trauma RN at my level 1. We just got a new director as well after the last one was let go... And there have been many management changes in the year and a half I have been there. Turmoil. If you are comfortable where you are, stay as step down icu and continue to apply to other hospitals until the right position comes available. It sounds like a blessing in disguise that you have not been able to move into the unit as of yet. Stay positive and know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Be patient and keep applying.

If your hospitals does internal transfers or has an application system I would still officially apply to an ICU position if you have not done so already.

Also, apply to other hospitals that are within reasonable distance.

Or consider moving all together to a place where you will get the job...

Nadroujj, Your hospital sounds exactly like mine :( The management is still not doing well and has seen a lot of managers come and go. And something "big" happened even higher up that prompted 2 managers/directors to give their notice on the same day!! So i think it is only going to get worse from here. Like someone else posted, it is becoming the "perfect storm." Which shocks me because I would think a level 1 trauma hospital would have their $h*t together and run like a well oiled machine!

jadelpn, I think you are right. This is the "perfect storm" and after hearing some stuff going on, I believe it is only going to get worse. :( We have a new CNO, who seems to not put up with this kind of stuff, but I am sure that correcting all of this and getting the hospital going back in the right direction will be years away. Slow, steady process.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Since this query is specific to the ICU, this thread has been moved to our Critical Care forum.

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