Published Sep 24, 2005
2 Posts
Hello my name is La Meka! I'am from NC and in the process of moving to Hartford, CT this year. Can someone please help me, by letting me know what is the best school to go to for an LPN so I can register. Also, I will be taking other courses besides an Lpn. So I will prefer to go to a Community College not to far from Hartford. Which towns are close by?Evening/Night Courses will be great. Also, how long are u in the program to be an Lpn. For instance in NC 1 year.
La Meka
3,099 Posts
Hello and welcome to allnurses!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,764 Posts
Hi. You might get more answers if you asked on the CT forum here:
Good luck. :)
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Hello my name is La Meka! I'am from NC and in the process of moving to Hartford, CT this year. Can someone please help me, by letting me know what is the best school to go to for an LPN so I can register. Also, I will be taking other courses besides an Lpn. So I will prefer to go to a Community College not to far from Hartford. Which towns are close by?Evening/Night Courses will be great. Also, how long are u in the program to be an Lpn. For instance in NC 1 year. Thanks,La Meka
:Melody: Hello and Welcome to
I have moved your thread to the CT forum. I hope you get the responses you need.
Good luck!!
Can someone please tell me! What is the best program to go to for a LPN near Hartford. Evening/Night courses a must.