Published Feb 12, 2014
510 Posts
I have a question for everyone. In my state (Alaska) we have consent orders through the BON, we don't have a program that allows nurses to report and come through with unscathed lisences. For those of you that do have a program available that allows this (and even if you don't): do you think that more nurses would have success in self reporting prior to being caught/complete the program successfully ? I ask because on my boards nursing disciplinary action site you can see every detail of a nurses falling out including if he/she has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD etc. I know personally it kept me sick up until I got caught. Even more so it appears that the majority of nurses in my state do not complete their consent orders. Jus curious.
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,398 Posts
related to addiction, i do not think so as the way of the disease model evolves, ie denial etc . jmho
178 Posts
In North Carolina we have two types...alternative to discipline (AP) and Chemically Dependent disciplinary programs (CDDP). The first one being non-disclosed to general public and with successful completion a "clean" licensure.
Personally it made no difference to me as to when I turned myself in, I was in denial about my addiction and if I hadn't been caught it would have likely been my demise. I do however believe that alternative programs have better success rates than that of a true disciplinary model, they allow us to keep our private life private and deal with our illnesses in the same way the general public is allowed to.
Just because we are nurses, it does not mean that we aren't human! Nobody is immune to addiction, each and every human in this world has an addiction to something I don't care how perfect they are. If you don't believe it just stop and look around... caffeine, shopping, eating...its not just drugs and alcohol my friends!
123 Posts
I did turn myself in, but I was completely naive about the possible permanent ramifications for my license (of which, thank goodness, there are none public now that I've successfully graduated). I think if I had been in a state that posted discipline publically and had been aware of that, I would not have turned myself in. I doubt I would have sought treatment on my own though; more than likely I'd just have kept going until I was officially "caught."
Excellent points. I remember realizing that I was going to die from this, I wanted help so bad and then looked at the board of nursing website and quickly changed my mind and decided I was just going to die from it. Hearing your points though, I'm positive that my sick mind was just looking for a "good" reason to not seek help. It is truly sad. I will say that now that I have some clean sober time under my belt the thought of having my name out there doesn't bother me as much. The thought that does get me: we have to speak with a therapis per the requirements of participating in the consent order. The board gets to read reports from the therapist and has full access to our files. I've been honest with my therapist, but I would think it would keep some people sick. The fear of the board knowing your deepest darkest secrets, any abuse suffered, any and all psychiatric diagnoses they may find (I mean who isn't at least a little anxious and depressed at first?). I am fortunate that I have a great sponsor and amazing family that remind me that this phase of my development is important and honesty is key, so I decided that it I was going to do therapy I would get what I needed out of it. Best Believe that at first I wanted to come across calm with no history of anything bad ever happening to me. I suppose the problem I have with this is that yes, put the addiction information out there, but no- it's not okay to put someone's emotional information out there for anyone to see. One persons information on the site reads "admitted diversion, was found to have substance addiction and alcohol abuse, diagnosed with situation anxiety and depression". If this nurse s diabetic why don't they write "diagnosed with anxiety with a high blood glucose of 227"
67 Posts one has no history, good luck, and no it is not OK to put peoples history out there....none of us are perfect, how can w ever hope toempathis I we v never experienced life ourselves?
Sam J.
407 Posts
Many BONs have a menu of options to deal with addicted nurses, nurses convicted of crimes, or whatnot. One option may be the
'secret' option, meaning you volunteer to accept the the BON's directives, and are spared the publicity on Google. The other is the more punitive option, in which you are directed to comply with the directives from the BON, and then your story is shared with the world. The problem with the 'secret' option is that it is commonly far more expensive, and impractical to comply with, then the 'directed' option. But in no case is your license 'really' spared. Your history will follow you to your grave. There are no secrets left in this digital age.
Good morning all! I don't know much about the secret options you're talking about. When a nurse signs up for one of those programs and completes it successfully does it still keep a warning on the lisence even if it's not public?
52 Posts
The program that I am in is inaccessible to the public and the BON knows I am in the program - but the BON record of that disappears after completion of the program. We are told to save our letter of completion because that will be the only proof we will have that we were ever in the program at all. And the only reason why we would ever need proof would be in situations such as applying for licensure in other states that ask questions about previous substance abuse.