Yesterday I was at TCC in the cafeteria with a friend when a friend of hers stopped by. This girl is in the nursing program and is about to flunk out of her first year if she doesn't do really good on her next test. According to her, there are 2 lawsuits in process against TCC for them being "too hard." Supposedly they are testing on a master's level and not the associates level. I find this hard to believe, but I do know that TCC is supposed to be pretty hard. But this girl gave me an example of one of the questions she got wrong on her last test and I don't know what the problem is. Q: A nurse tech takes a patient to x-ray. the patient has a foley, where do you put the foley bag - hang on wheelchair, hang on IV pole, on footrest, or (another one I forgot). The answer is on the foot rest. I knew this from my CNA class, and I"m not even IN nursing classes yet. The girl got kind of upset that I knew this answer, but thought it was really hard. I just thought she was being a wimp. Critical thinking is part of nursing, isn't it? So you had to think through the rationale that you want the bag hanging lower than the person to let gravity take it's course. Just curious what you guys thought. This particular person is planning to transfer to Connor's in Muskogee to finish the program and said there are several other's transferring as well because it's supposed to be easier.