Healthy People initiatives is a program from the US government Department of Health and Human Services. It is composed of many leading health indicators. They are chosen after extensive collaborative efforts from a workgroup composed of 50 members from across the US. Many governmental agencies inputted into the leading health indicators: Reports by the Institute of Medicine National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention The National Prevention Strategy In addition to these resources, there are other resources for Healthy People 2020 initiatives: Dietary guidelines for the US - provides info for professionals about teaching nutrition to people. This includes dietary advice on improving your overall eating habits also. Another evidence-based summary gives info on Caring for GBLT Individuals with Substance Abuse Issues. There are suggested interventions. Designed for both clinicians this guide outlines treatment guidelines and approaches as well as organizational policies and procedures. This document is meant to be used as a reference tool for clinicians. Fall prevention in the elderly is a hot topic as we all strive to reduce falls and injuries, especially in congregate living situations. Here is a compedium of scientifically proven ways to implement a no-fall program as well as home modifications. Exercises to improve balance and strength are also provided. As health insurance rates soar, reducing premium expenditures is also on the forefront of most Americans. Healthy People 2020 has an initiative for this also. One of the most important facets of this guideline is weight reduction as obesity is a major issue for the American people as a whole. Weight reduction helps to reduce cardiovascular risk and reduces hypertension and diabetes risks also. In addition to addressing current health issues, prevention is another key component of Healthy People 2020: Access to Health Care services remains problematic for some in the US. There is often great disparity from one area to the next and from rural to urban regions. Some areas of general health can be addressed by being able to be seen by a medical provider... Overall physical, social, and mental health status Prevention of disease and disability Detection and treatment of health conditions Improved quality of life Preventable death Extended life expectancy Chronic kidney disease (CKD) continues to affect more and more Americans, mostly due to the increasing numbers of patients diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. One of the initiatives by several organizations is earlier referral to nephrologists who can provide the best care for CKD patients. This includes diet management, medication, overall care management. Perhaps the most important aspect of CKD care is education for both the patient and family. Staving off further deterioration of kidney function delays and possibly reduces the risk for the need for renal replacement therapy or dialysis. We all need food to survive. However, food safety is another diverse Healthy People initiative. Foodborne illness can result in hospitalization and even death. It is often preventable and unreported. Children younger than age 4 have the highest incidence of laboratory-confirmed infections from some foodborne pathogens, including Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157, Shigella, and Yersinia. People older than age 50 and those with reduced immunity are at greater risk for hospitalizations and death from intestinal pathogens commonly transmitted through foods. Healthcare-related infections are another area many healthcare workers are aware of. Many of us that work in hospitals are well area of many of these strategies are part of our work-day. Are you familiar with your facililty's policy to reduce? Catheter-associated urinary tract infections Surgical site infections Ventilator-associated events/ventilator-associated pneumonia Clostridium difficile infections References: CDC Health People 1 Down Vote Up Vote × About traumaRUs, MSN, APRN Trauma Columnist 88 Articles 21,277 Posts Share this post Share on other sites