Unwritten Social Contract: Your Needs Come First!

The unwritten social contract, which implies that individuals must meet their own needs before attending to other issues, is lost on too many nurses and other healthcare workers. We cannot effectively care for patients unless we care for ourselves first. The moral of the story is to take care of your most basic needs first, for this is the only body you will ever have. Your needs come first! Nurses Announcements Archive Article

According the the unwritten social contract, "each individual in a society has an underlying obligation, to the best of his ability, and before all else, to take care of his own basic needs, both immediate and for the foreseeable future, before attending to the needs of others" (Bell, 2008). The social contract has no specific person or author to which I can attribute credit because, after all, it is unwritten and unspoken.

Nurses and nursing students are well-schooled in theories surrounding basic needs. We all learn about Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs fairly early in our educations, and the idea is drilled into our heads that every person will experience consequences if basic needs are not being addressed.

A person's most basic needs can be easily remembered by using the acronym OWN-A-SEX, which stands for oxygen, water, nutrition, activity, sleep, elimination, and sex.

Even though nurses know all about the importance of basic needs, too many healthcare workers neglect their own most essential needs during the course of their work shifts. Countless nurses arrive to the workplace with insufficient rest, run around with full bladders, care for patients while hungry, fail to hydrate adequately, and otherwise shove their most basic physiological needs to the wayside while drifting along during the shift.

The principles surrounding the unwritten social contract seem to be lost on way too many nurses who place the needs of patients, families, physicians, coworkers, and management above their own. Other nurses view their entry into the nursing profession as some type of altruistic higher calling that involves devoting their lives to helping others first.

Anyhow, the culture of inpatient bedside nursing at many facilities seems to produce excuses for the fact that staff nurses and other healthcare workers regularly fail to meet their needs for food, water, sleep, and timely elimination.

Many years down the line, these same nurses are suffering from various ailments, taking multiple medications, and feeling used and abused by the healthcare system that employs them. Numerous patients have come and gone during the years through admissions, discharges, transfers, and demise, while the bedside nurse deals with the same body for the rest of his or her life. If we do not take care of the one body we have, it will slowly fall apart.

Some would say that the most caring, unselfish nurses will always ensure the safety and address the needs of their patients above all else. However, the most effective healthcare worker is the one who has rested, refueled, rehydrated, and relieved himself when the urge comes. We cannot effectively care for patients unless we care for ourselves first. The moral of the story is to take care of your most basic needs first, for this is the only body you will ever have.


Yikes, this whole thread peeved me.

What a crap culture.

So when it's my turn to orient a new nurse, I will make sure she gets her breaks, which she is being docked for.

I agree! It's going to take the new and upcoming to change the way things are! Good for you!

I work PRN now on an Acute Rehab Unit. I have never really looked at my paystubs closely until two weeks ago. I work two 12’s for the pay period and did not take a lunch. The hours on my paystub equated to exactly one hour less in pay. I brought it to my manager’s attention. The response was, “we take out a half hour break automatically for lunches.” To which I responded, “funny, I never clocked out for lunches those two days because I did not have the chance to a lunch break.” My manager said, “That’s your fault for not taking lunch.”

If you contact your state labor board, they will ensure you are paid for those missed breaks. Not only is that facility cheating you of your pay, they are cheating the Federal and state government of their taxes that would be taken out of that pay. --Facilities that do this can be fined...and should be.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

Deep thread! I'm starting my 3rd week of work as a new grad nurse and I have had to tell my trainer, it's break time because she doesn't take them.

I have a dear friend outside of work who encourages me not to skip my breaks, to not work for free because it sets you up for your boss to criticize you later on when you decide to take a break.

The list of tasks is never ending as a nurse. Recently I ran into the conundrum of having the nurse I relieve leaving urgent items undone to add to my tasks. I don't stop moving all shift and I never leave stuff undone for my relief to do.

Then my administrator told me I can't take any more overtime! She told me to leave stuff for the night shift.

So there is an unspoken pressure on us as nurses to get it all done.

In my place of work, we punch out for meal breaks. If you don't (assuming you have a good reason that you couldn't take a break that night-all your patients were coding..at the same time), you get written up. I find it crazy that women I work with punch out on their breaks, then grab their meals and eat while they chart, or skip them all together. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but I'm entitled to take a break just as much as any employee in any other profession. I really wish health care workers would stop making themselves forever the martyrs..We all deal with so much stress in this field already, take the time to sit down and enjoy your 30 minutes of uninterrupted break time. Maybe if everyone did and everyone started having to stay overtime to finish, administration might have to adjust staffing ratios seeing as how we can't handle the workload in the allotted time (probably not, but a girl can dream).

What a crap culture.

pretty much. the last place i worked for (SNF/LTC) did the same thing; when talking got me nowhere, i reported the facility to my state's labor board and filed a complaint. (prior to that, i e-mailed my immediate supervisor about the situation and included the DON as a recipient - included specific dates that i was docked 30 minutes of pay without a break, etc) - always good to have it in writing.

idk if anything will ever happen as far as consequences for the facility, but i couldn't do nothing. (many of my family members are/were labor union organizers and workers' rights activists; i grew up hearing 'don't let people take advantage of you at work' like other kids grow up hearing 'just say no to drugs' :p ).

the sad thing is, *everyone* complained about being docked for breaks they never got, but when i tried to encourage them to report as well, everyone just looked at me like i was nuts and were like "that's how this job is, get used to it".

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

That's why I'm on break now...30 mins before I click out. Still gotta chart. But I'm tAking my breaks!!!!!!!

I generally take a 10 minute break to scarf down my lunch. I'm a little disappointed that it's taboo on my unit to take a 30 minute lunch even when another nurse is covering. Honestly, when I do sit down for 30 minutes (on day shift) I start to feel anxious that I am looking too lazy haha.

I never get a break. Never. I sometimes take a 10-20 minute lunch but usually people bother me on it.

Yeah, this also made me think of the article about nurses not taking their potty/meal breaks. I know I ruffled a few feathers when I commented that any nurse who doesn't take two minutes to pee during a 12 hour shift is *choosing* not to. I stand by that. I totally get others' point that nurses have insane ratios and workloads. But once nurses start implying that they are *literally* unable to set aside charting for a couple minutes to go pee, they are venturing from "legitimate complaint" territory to "playing the victim card" territory. (hey, that's another article!)

I have LITERALLY had to tell patients, fellow nurses, and docs that I will return to see them in 5 minutes or do whatever they ask in 5 minutes because I HAVE to go use the bathroom. This is not a joke, and I usually get eye rolls. This, however, doesn't constitute a break and it doesn't help my stress level when I'm running around crazy all day otherwise.

I have LITERALLY had to tell patients, fellow nurses, and docs that I will return to see them in 5 minutes or do whatever they ask in 5 minutes because I HAVE to go use the bathroom.

Good for you for taking care of yourself!! I've told patients that before and they haven't had a problem with it. Sometimes it helps with time management to say something like, "I'll be back with your meds/dressing change/etc in fifteen minutes, can I bring anything else for you when I come back?" and chart/go to the bathroom/etc before coming back with whatever it is they want.