I remember being new to nursing school and I remember freaking out about how difficult nursing school was going to be for me, especially after reading many posts on here. I was stressing out the entire summer before my first fall semester and I kept doubting that I would be able to get through these classes.
A lot of people on here say that nursing school will suck up all of your time and you will be studying 24/7 and left with no social life. Now, I understand that everyone is a different type of student, but DON'T go into nursing school thinking that it will be pure hell to get through. EVERYONE is different. What may be difficult for some may be easy for others. Don't stress about it so much ahead of time. It may be easier than you think. You won't know until you experience these classes on your own. This website is GREAT for advice, but I just wanted to advise you not to stress out over what people say about how hard nursing school is. Not saying it is a walk in the park but I don't find it too bad so maybe you may not too!
Good luck!