Published Jan 13, 2012
Java Mama
183 Posts
Hi everyone,
We have our first check-off in a couple weeks (I'm in my 2nd semester) and it's on a head to toe assessment. We have 108 points to hit (a minimum of 95 to pass), so I was wondering if anyone had any tips for remembering so many things. I have already made index cards to try and help, but if you have any additional tips, I would greatly appreciate it! Seems almost impossible to pass the first try. Thanks!
66 Posts
Honestly, my only advice is to start at the head and work down. Dont jump around. Start at the head, note condition of scalp, hair, etc. Ask yourself is there anything else here? Then go to the ears - do everything you can think of. Go to the eyes, ears, mouth, etc.
When I did my head to toe I talked out loud the entire time. Everything I was noting, seeing, thinking I said.
You will do great!
Thanks for the encouragement Linda :) There are just so many things to verbalize while doing things to your "partner", seems almost impossible to remember everything. I've made alot of cheat notes to review and index cards, so unless I get some REALLY good tips...I may just go with what I have. Thanks again.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Practice, practice, practice. Inspect, percuss, palpate and auscultate. (IPPA). Just about every system has inspect and palpate, and heart/lungs/belly has all 3. So as you go from head to toe, get in something that you saw and felt everywhere; what did you expect to see/feel/hear?
When doing checkoffs, it becomes really obvious who has practiced and who hasn't; even if you don't have a partner, you can review in your head, over and over until groups of ideas for each part are inseparable.
112 Posts
Hi everyone, We have our first check-off in a couple weeks (I'm in my 2nd semester) and it's on a head to toe assessment. We have 108 points to hit (a minimum of 95 to pass), so I was wondering if anyone had any tips for remembering so many things. I have already made index cards to try and help, but if you have any additional tips, I would greatly appreciate it! Seems almost impossible to pass the first try. Thanks!
I'm in my first semester, we just completed week one. We check off on vital signs and learn physical assessment in lab this coming week and will check off on it the following week. My head is swimming and I'm physically exhausted after my first week. I am already practicing on my friends and family based on what I have read on physical assessment in my text.
pc2801...BOY!!!!! Do I remember my first semester! I was absolutely terrified doing check-offs! We did: vital signs, sterile wound changes and sterile urinary cathetherization. Those were 60-65 points. This head to toe is 108. I'll listen to what JBUDD said; what do you expect to see, hear, feel each section. I think I may tape myself practicing at home, then listen to the recording and see what I miss. For what-ever reason, we are only doing inspection, palpation and auscultation. No purcussion. Good luck to you!
1 Post
When I first started my clinicals I found this wonderful head-to-toe guide that has been so helpful to me! Good luck! Just remember breathe and you will do great!
136 Posts
First off its crazy how schools differ in check offs...our head to toe assessment was the first thing we did first quarter (along with vital signs, Positioning, and Bed Baths) now (2nd qtr.) wet/dry dressing changes and foley cath's and med admin.
anyways...we had to do a video for our assessment, so much easier for us as we just had this poster made and hung out of site of the camera, we just looked at....
but the best way to go about it (what i did in clinicals) was think of mnemonics to help you...
Like JBudd said about IPPA, plus PERRLA (Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation) make up your own mnemonics for each part of the body, or separate them into actions, (i.e. when you have to use a steth, or all the reflexes)
take your time, take a deep breath and relax...
also if your school has Mannequin's to use, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!! it will save your life!!
Hi Gamergirl,
Yes, our group is practicing on the manequins as much as possible. It still seems like so much to verbalize and demonstrate at the same time with the instructor watching. I guess I feel like I lose my train of thought. I'm just going to tell myself that I'm going to do the best I can, that's all I can do.
Don't think of the verbalizing as something separate, just say out loud everything you are doing and seeing. "Now I am going to be palpating your head, please tell me if anything is tender or painful: the hair is clean, dry, no scaling or infestations noted on the scalp, no lumps or tenderness found. Tops of pinna are level with eyes, rounded, no discharge noted. Facial features are symmetrical, with equal movement, nose is midline, head centered on body. Eyes are......"
I make my students sing "head shoulders knees and toes" in class with me, silly but it drives home the top to toe approach. The line about "eyes and ears and mouth and nose" reminds them to check each of those. When people panic or get stuck, I hum at them, they laugh and keep going. I've seen people hum it themselves to double check (which was good because she went back and assessed one she'd left out) lol.
Thanks JBUDD,
Those are some good tips. You sound like a very nice instructor. I know us students appreciate that! :)